Neumyvakin - treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide simultaneously

Alternative methods of treatment of various diseases - a question rather controversial and scrupulous. For some, they are the only way to be cured. Others are skeptical about them, believing that traditional medicine only delays the moment of recovery. The treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda by Neumyvakin was no exception. Medicine knows several cases where thanks to these simple substances people were cured even from oncology. But despite this mention of the person Neumyvakin still makes adherents of traditional methods of treatment frown.

How to take soda and hydrogen peroxide on Neumyvakin?

It is believed that human blood in its composition is similar to a solution of soda. That is why sodium carbonate is favorably accepted by the body. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is a professor who actively supports alternative methods of treatment. In his speeches, he tells that soda not only normalizes the acid-base balance in the body, but also liquefies, and also restores the optimal formula of blood. Thanks to this, the well-being improves, all organs start working correctly.

About soda and hydrogen peroxide, Professor Neumyvakin knows that these substances can easily:

The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and follow all the indicated dosages.

Soda and hydrogen peroxide on Neumyvakin should be drunk regularly. But you must start with tiny portions. If it is a question of sodium carbonate, it can be a small pinch of matter that fits at the tip of a teaspoon. Dilute the substance in barely warm water. Gradually increase the dose. The norm is one teaspoon without a slide, diluted in 200 ml of purified liquid. Instead of water, some people add sodium carbonate to the milk. Such a recipe is also allowed.

With peroxide, the situation is slightly more complicated. It is necessary to start its reception with one drop, diluted in 50 ml of water. You need to drink medicine three times a day. Each subsequent day of treatment, the dose should be increased by one drop to 40 ml of water. It should stop on ten drops.

Professor Neumyvakin recommends treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda for an empty stomach. The medicine can be drunk half an hour before or two hours after eating. If the body reacts negatively to the mixture, they will most likely have to stop taking them for a while. But as practice shows, competent treatment of side effects is extremely rare.

Treatment of cancer and other diseases with soda and hydrogen peroxide on Neumyvakin need for a long time. Professor and does recommend that you continue to drink substances for life, supporting and thereby strengthening the body. And do not worry - in the proposed doses, neither soda, nor peroxide damage can not.

Is it possible to simultaneously treat soda and hydrogen peroxide with Neumyvakin?

Ideally, for treatment, you need to choose one suitable substance - soda or peroxide. But to enhance the effect, some patients should take them in parallel. With this treatment you need to be very careful.

The fact that the simultaneous use of drugs will cause a dangerous chemical reaction, which significantly worsens well-being. Therefore, drink soda with peroxide preferably with an interval of not less than half an hour. Compliance with this condition is a guarantee that the treatment will be successful without excesses.