Cosmoea, growing out of seeds - when to plant?

The newcomer from hot Mexico , cosmetology not only has got accustomed perfectly on our expanses, but even became quite ordinary phenomenon. Thanks to its unpretentiousness and simplicity in the care of this flower like to grow near schools, hospitals and kindergartens, parks and squares, as well as home front gardens. Although vegetative propagation is acceptable for this plant, the cultivation of the cosmea from seeds is most often practiced. About whether, when growing out of seeds, the cosmea itself should be planted and when this wonderful plant is planted properly, we will talk today.

Can the cosme itself be sown?

Most of the varieties of cosmece reproduce perfectly self-sowing. Multiplying this feature by extreme unpretentiousness, the ability to grow on different soils and under different conditions, we get an almost perfect plant for any site.

Terms of planting cosmei

Sowing in the spring in the open ground is necessary early enough - at the end of April. On the surface of the previously sprinkled seed beds, a thin layer of seed is distributed, slightly pressing them into the ground. When the kosmya is penetrated and gets a little stronger, and this happens usually 2-3 weeks after laying seeds in the soil, the crops are thinned out. To the cosmea bushes were lush and actively blossomed, the distance between them should be at least 40-50 cm.

Not many gardeners know that along with the usual spring planting, the landing of cosmece for winter is justified. In this case, the soil under the planting should be prepared in advance - dig up, select the roots and stems of weed plants and make fertilizers. An important condition for success in this case is the observance of the sowing time, because the seeds should not be able to germinate before the onset of frost. To sow the seeds of cosmece for winter should not be until the end of November, when the temperature of the soil at the depth of seeding does not exceed + 2 ... + 3 degrees.

Features of growing cosme

As already mentioned above, the Cosmee is distinguished by a sufficiently high adaptability to any external conditions, feeling equally well themselves and on clay soils, and on chernozems. But in order to fully reveal its decorativeness, when choosing a site for planting, it is necessary to take into account its following features:

  1. Best of all, the cosmea grows on light air soils that pass well and have a moderate nutrient content. With excessive fertilization, the cosmos goes into the greens, but blooms extremely reluctantly.
  2. For a full bloom, more sunlight is required, while growing in shady areas leads to the formation of excess green mass.