Lasagna with minced meat - recipe

Some gourmets believe that you can try real lasagna only in Italy or in a good restaurant with an Italian menu. Of course, in the preparation of this uneasy dish, there are special features that make it authentic, but in our conditions it is also possible to prepare real lasagna.

Classic lasagna with minced meat

Calculation for 8 servings.


For filling:

For BĂ©chamel sauce:


We prepare the filling: in the frying pan, we will save the finely chopped onions. We will add forcemeat and we shall fry, stirring with a shovel, while meat does not change color. Add blanched (skinless) finely chopped tomatoes, stew for 10 minutes, stirring, add garlic and Ricotta cheese to the end of the process.

Next turn the sauce "Beshamel": in a thick-walled sauté pan on low heat, save the flour on a dry day, add butter and melt, stirring, then gradually pour the milk. We'll warm up, not letting it boil. The sauce should not be too thick. Season with nutmeg, and you can add 25 ml of white vermouth - it will taste better.

Cover the bottom with a sauce of the refractory form and lay out the plates of the dough so that they do not pile on top of each other. On top, distribute 1/3 of the meat filling, a third of grated cheese "Parmesan", with a sauce. Then we put again the plates of the dough, add the filling - so we get the second and third layer. The last layer of the dough is not sprinkled with cheese.

We bake classic lasagna with minced meat in an oven at an average temperature for 30-40 minutes. Finished dish sprinkled with crushed herbs and grated cheese.

A simple recipe for making delicious lasagna with chicken meat


For filling:

For sauce-pouring:

For sprinkling:


Chop the onions and let them pass in the frying pan on chicken fat. Then add minced meat and pat down, stirring, for about 12-15 minutes. We add sweet pepper, crushed by blender or meat grinder. Blanch the tomatoes, peel, grind and also add to the stuffing. Season with spices and - the filling is ready.

Now we are preparing the sauce: the cheese is grated on a grater and placed in hot cream. We warm well so that the cheese melts. Add the chopped garlic and ground red pepper.

Lubricate the bottom of the mold with fat, lay out the plates of the dough, distribute the filling from above, then again the layer of dough. We repeat the 2nd (and maybe the third) time. Pour the sauce and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at medium temperature. Ready to lasagna sprinkled with crushed herbs and sprinkled with grated cheese.

We serve with light table wine.

Dough for lasagna

For lasagna with minced meat, you can follow the recipe to make a dough.



We sift the flour (necessarily) on the work surface with a slide, make a deepening and add eggs and 2-4 tablespoons of oil and as much water. Prisalivaem and knead the dough with oiled hands. Stir thoroughly. We give the test to disengage for 40 minutes. Divide into 6 parts and roll out thinly, cut into plates of the correct size (so that the ready lasagna was conveniently cut into portions).

We leave the plates on the board or on a towel to dry up. You can shortly boil them before use in salted water with the addition of oil.