Dried plums at home - original recipes for an unusual snack

Dried plums are a popular snack, which has grown fond of many eaters not very long ago, but the recipe has already acquired many variations. Many housewives use different household appliances, experiment with spices and syrups to achieve a unique taste.

Dried plums - with what to eat to add?

Cooked dried plums at home to taste a little different from the purchased ones. They are prepared in several ways, dried in different instruments and seasoned with spices or soaked in sweet syrups before drying. Often mistresses do not know what to do with the treasured jar of the original workpiece, but in fact, everything happens intuitively.

  1. Spicy fragrant dried plums are often added to the main dishes. The taste of ordinary food will be greatly transformed if it is filled with the aroma of such a preparation.
  2. Add to the salads, both sweet and savory slices.
  3. Chopping a couple of slices of sweet plum, you can fill with an unusual taste of a portion of ice cream or cream dessert .
  4. Sweet dried plums will be an excellent independent dessert if you serve them in the company of the original cream with sour taste.

Sun dried plums for the winter - recipes

Drying plums at home is not a difficult task, but it is not at all quick. The qualitative result depends on the method of drying the fruit fragments and the selected recipe.

  1. Sun dried plums for the winter, cooked in the oven - a common way of drying. Dry the fruit at a temperature of 100-110 degrees with the door ajar. The process takes 3 to 5 hours.
  2. In the electric dryer drying takes longer, about 20 hours is needed to make snacks. The advantage is the constant support of the temperature regime.
  3. To make dried plums at home for the winter in a microwave oven is troublesome, but it takes only one hour to make it. It is necessary to dry the lobules, then let it cool and repeat it to the desired result.
  4. Sun-dried plums are prepared simply: the slices are dried on a grill (for steaming) in the "Baking" mode and with an open valve, so that the steam freely leaves.

How to dry the sink in the oven?

The most common way is to make dried plums in the oven. A set of spices and herbs is chosen intuitively, based on personal preferences. It is important to choose fruits whole, with dense pulp, without visible damages not wormy. If the fruits are large, they are cut into quarters or into 6 parts, so the drying process will go faster.



  1. On the baking tray with foil put the slices upwards.
  2. In each slice, put a plate of garlic, sprinkle with herbs, salt and pepper, sprinkle with oil.
  3. Dry in the oven at 100 degrees for 3 hours, opening the door slightly.

How to dry plums in an electric dryer?

Dried plums in the electric dryer are tasty and well dried, without a juicy mid-point. The whole process of making snacks maintains a constant temperature regime, because the result will be exactly perfect, but after 15-20 hours. You can season the plums according to your own taste, garlic remains unchanged.



  1. Plums put on a plate with a cut upwards, add up
  2. Put garlic and chopped finely pepper into each slice.
  3. Sprinkle with herbs.
  4. Transfer the plums to the pallet.
  5. At the average level of heating the electric dryer dry the fruit 20 hours.
  6. Spread the finished slices in a jar, pour oil and clean in the cold.

How to dry the sink in a microwave?

The dried plum in the microwave is prepared quickly, in just an hour, taking into account the preparation of the products. You can try a savory snack right away or wait a few hours until it gets soaked in oil. You can use soft fruit, most importantly, when removing the stone, you need to make sure that the edges are cut smoothly.



  1. Place the plum halves on a plate covered with paper towels.
  2. Mix all the dry and ground spices with butter and garlic cloves.
  3. Fill with a spicy mixture of half plums.
  4. Dry for 2 minutes at 800 W, open the door, wait 5 minutes. Repeat again.
  5. The third time put for 5 minutes, get out a plate and cool for 30 minutes.
  6. Transfer to a clean plate, put for 4 minutes in microwave, cool for 10 minutes.
  7. Put in a jar, pour oil, clean in the cold.

How to dry plums in a multivark?

It is very easy to make dried plums in a multivariate. To create snacks, use a grill for steaming. Season to taste with spices, the set of which can be universal: garlic, basil, parsley and dill. Given the small volume of the device, to prepare a lot of drains does not come out right away.



  1. Cover the cup with parchment, lay half of the plum chunks, salt, sprinkle with herbs, sprinkle with oil.
  2. Install the grate, lay out the second batch of lobules, salt, season, and pour with oil.
  3. Open the valve, close the lid, set "Baking" for 1 hour. If necessary, extend it by 15 minutes.

Dried plums for the winter - an Italian recipe

In the Mediterranean countries, dried plums in oil are very popular. To make the result perfect, you need to consistently perform all the actions, the drying process itself takes place in the oven. Storing is stored all winter in the refrigerator. You can use ready-made mixtures of dried Italian herbs.



  1. Plum slices put on a baking sheet.
  2. Separately mix sunflower oil with a mixture of dried herbs, honey.
  3. Pour marinade plum, salt, sprinkle with basil.
  4. Dry at 110 degrees for 4 hours.
  5. Transfer the dried plums with herbs into cans with layers of chopped garlic and fresh rosemary and basil.
  6. Pour olive oil and close the lid.

Sun-dried plum with garlic herbs and salt

Plums dried with garlic and thyme - an unusually piquant snack. Supplement the composition of spices can be rosemary, oregano and basil, you can dry using the available technique. Plums will be baked on their own with a minimal set of spices, but in the process of storage they will take from the fragrant marinade all the piquancy.



  1. Plum slices put on a baking sheet.
  2. Salt, sprinkle oregano, sprinkle with oil.
  3. Dry in the oven at 110 degrees for 3-5 hours or until the desired dryness.
  4. Garlic finely chopped, cut into rosemary, thyme and basil.
  5. In a jar of layers lay plums, garlic and herbs, pour hot oil, turn the lid.
  6. Remove dried plums with herbs for the winter in the fridge.

Dried sweet plums in the oven

A sweet dried plum in syrup is prepared in several stages. Firstly, the lobules are soaked with sugar until the juice is separated, then they are kept in syrup and then dried. Store the workpiece in a glass sealed container, without access to sunlight. Such fruits give babies instead of sweets.




  1. Plum halves fill with sugar, leave for a day.
  2. Drain the juice.
  3. From sugar and water, boil the syrup, pour in the plums. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the fruit from the liquid, spread the lobules on a baking sheet with parchment.
  5. Dry at 100 degrees for one hour, each time completely cooling the workpiece.
  6. Repeat the drying and cooling process to the desired degree of drying.

Plum dried in honey

Sweet dried plums, the recipe of which is described below, is a very unusual variant of the billet. Plums are dried in a convenient way and poured with honey, which to all its advantages, will serve as an excellent preservative. Lobules during storage are saturated with honey aroma and leave very sweet.



  1. Fruit slices put in a bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and cloves, mix, put on a baking sheet with a cut up.
  2. Dry in the oven for 2 -3 hours at 110 degrees.
  3. Transfer to the bank a dried plum, pour liquid honey, roll up the lid.

Dried plums with spices

Sun-dried plums in the oven, the recipe of which presupposes the addition of a large number of spices, turns out to be very spicy, slightly spicy. They perfectly complement the main dish of meat, and fragrant oil, in which the lobules marinate, you can use to make salad dressing.



  1. Plum halves put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, salt, rub half the spices.
  2. Dry in the oven for 4 hours at 100 degrees.
  3. In a mortar rub garlic with salt and the remaining herbs and pepper.
  4. Heat the milk to boiling and mix with spices.
  5. In a sterilized jar put the plums, pour hot aromatic oil, screw the lid.

How to store dried plum?

Drying fruit slices and applying a little effort, the mistresses still have doubts about how to preserve dried plums, so that the cherished piece does not deteriorate.

  1. Sun-dried spicy plums marinated with olive oil, which acts as a good preservative. Such a piece will not deteriorate within a year.
  2. Dried plums can be stored in a dry, sealed container, ensuring that moisture does not fall and protect from direct sunlight.
  3. Sweet blanks can be stored in a sealed pouch, sprinkling pre-slices with sugar, powder or starch.