How to freeze apricots for the winter with sugar?

Apricots with sugar for winter can be prepared both in the form of fruit puree, and in slices in syrup. Since heat treatment is minimal, this does not affect the usefulness of the fruit. The first method is suitable for very ripe apricots, soft, slightly crushed or slightly damaged fruit, the second can be preserved with hard, slightly immature fruit. Tell you how to freeze apricots for the winter with sugar.

Apricot puree



The amount of sugar in this recipe is not important, since frozen apricots do not deteriorate, so that sugar acts not as a preservative, but as a sweetener. Adjust its amount to your liking. Apricots are carefully washed under running water, trying not to damage the fruit. If there are bruises or damaged areas, cut them out. We divide each fruit into halves, remove the bones. Fried apricots with sugar for winter can be prepared in two ways. The simplest way is to skip half the apricots through a meat grinder or cook with a blender or food processor. However, it is possible and a little more difficult - to wipe the pulp through a sieve, so that the harder skin does not get in the mashed potatoes. When the apricots are wiped, add sugar and citric acid and let stand for 15-20 minutes to allow the sugar to dissolve. Next, boil the apricot puree - from boiling for no more than 5 minutes. Stir to not burnt. When the mass cools down, put it into plastic containers and freeze it. You can also store apricots with sugar in the freezer, or in order to save space, put frozen mashed potatoes in plastic bags. As you can see, it's quite easy to freeze apricots for the winter with sugar.

Apricots wedges

It is not always convenient to use apricot puree: for pies and cakes, decorating desserts will require pieces of fruit. Save fresh apricots will not work, but with sugar for the winter, you can make beautiful slices.



Mine fruits, cut into neat slices, removing the bones. From lemons we squeeze out juice, we fill apricot segments with this juice that they have not darkened. We make syrup from water and sugar. If the apricots are not very sweet, you can increase the amount of sugar to 1.5 kg. Fill the slices with hot syrup and heat until boiling. Turn off the fire, let it cool down completely and put it into small flat containers. We freeze apricots with sugar and in winter we enjoy delicious slices reminiscent of summer. Just prepare and halves of apricots.