Tomato for winter - a simple recipe

Saturate your body with the necessary minerals will help a simple tomato recipe for the winter, which, unlike other preserves, is quite suitable for beginners.

A simple tomato recipe from fresh tomato for the winter

It seems to many inexperienced housewives that canning is a very laborious process, requiring special culinary talents. However, we will tell you about a simple recipe devoted to how to close a delicious tomato for the winter.



Juicy tomatoes cut into large slices, after removing the stem, and make mashed potatoes using a blender. The resulting gruel should be transferred to a pan (always enameled to avoid oxidation of the material during cooking) and put on the minimum possible fire. During cooking, carrots are ground with a small grater, pepper cut into half rings, and chop parsley finely. According to this simple homemade tomato recipe for winter, carrots and peppers are added after half an hour of boiling the tomato mixture. Salt, add black pepper and broken into small pieces of bay leaf. After this, boil the tomato for another quarter of an hour, pour over thoroughly sterilized jars and roll them.

Simple tomato recipe for pitted winter

Not all gourmets like preserving from tomato with tomato kernels, as they are not completely grinded by a blender or knives of a meat grinder. But this simple recipe for cooking tomato through a meat grinder for the winter will allow you to get a natural and incredibly tasty tomato juice, which is used both for preparing a variety of second courses, and as an independent drink.



Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half, and then cut out all the crushed and rotten places, as well as the stems. Grind vegetables in a conventional or electric meat grinder. Then wipe the resulting gruel through a sieve first with large, and then with small pores until a completely uniform consistency is obtained.

Pour the juice into an enameled container, put on a fire and wait for the boiling. Cook the minutes 8-10, constantly stirring, until the foam disappears from the top. Immediately pour the boiling juice over the sterilized jars, roll them and turn them upside down until they are completely cooled, covered with a coverlet.

A simple tomato recipe for the winter without sterilization

Usually for canning, sterile dishes are required. But in this simple tomato recipe for the winter you will do well without cooking and dipping the cans in boiling water, so that it will allow even the busiest housewives to carve out more time for themselves and the family.



Wash the tomatoes and spread them over the cans. Pour boiling water and leave to stand for 10 minutes. Then drain the liquid and pour the tomatoes again with steep boiling water for about a quarter of an hour.

In the water, pour the sugar, salt and place on a relatively strong fire. After boiling, add the vinegar and remove the marinade from the plate. Drain the liquid from the cans with tomatoes, spread out the bay leaves and black pepper in them and pour the marinade. Roll the jars, turn them upside down instantly and cover them with a warm cloth before cooling down.