Norbekov: Joint gymnastics

Already for many years the name of Norbekov itself sounds healthy. Whatever the disease, remember about this healer, who taught thousands of people to be cured by body and spirit through physical exercises. Today we will consider the gymnastics of Norbekov for the joints.

The physical side of the exercises

Problems with joints are increasingly found in people due to inactivity and malnutrition. As a result, every slightest movement causes discomfort, and if nothing is done, a person can simply lose the ability to move and become helpless. In addition, Norbekov's health gymnastics is aimed not just at working on joints, but also on improving the mobility of the spine. The more flexible the spine, the healthier it is. Inside the spine, the spinal cord is contained, and any defects in the spine can be fatal in terms of its contents.

The mass of a healthy person consists of muscles by 40%. Our muscles serve as a corset for the spine, they support it and partly take on the burden. However, in a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle, these muscles atrophy. Very often, hypodynamia is also accompanied by an increase in fat mass. As a result, the load on the spine increases several times, which can not positively affect our health.

Development of the inner self

However, not the body, not the figure, and not even the strength, are the main tasks of the gymnastics of Dr. Norbekov. As he says himself, doing exercises should concentrate 90% on internal development. Norbekov recommends creating for oneself a list of those personal qualities that we lack and during the implementation of the complex develop them in themselves, feel better, more beautiful, stronger. Norbekov argues that in a depressed mood, there will be no benefit from gymnastics. During the exercises, you should rejoice, have fun, radiate energy. And your energy should be exclusively creative.

Start Exercises

Dr. Norbekov recommends starting joint exercises with a warm-up of the fingers, hands and hands. We warm up and knead the palms, each finger is individually stretched, we perform friction and stroking. The main thing is to have fun during the process.

We pass to the warm-up of the whole body, warm up like a cat, without missing a single plot.

We breathe in and let in the joy of the whole world. We begin to massage the point of internal vision between the two eyebrows. We pass smoothly to massaging at the wings of the nose, for and anticlockwise. Next, massage the point between the lower lip and chin. With your thumbs, massage the whiskey in a circular motion. We pass to the massage of the neck in the occipital region, where the hair ends.

We take ears and start them with pulling movements, drive around, then rub our ears with palms. Do not forget that Norbekov's joint exercises are feelings and joy. Smile and raise your hands to the level of your shoulders. Fingers look up, in the hands of tension, feel the movement of energy. The position of the hands does not change, brush parallel to the floor. Slightly move them, as if stroking the kitten at hand.

Then rotate the fists, increase the amplitude - rotate the forearms. Hands lowered, we make circular movements with shoulders. This was the main part of charging from Norbekov's joint gymnastics. Then follows the execution of the pillars on the lower part of the body. You can view them on video. Start the exercises on your feet when you master the gymnastics on the upper body.

Do not be discouraged if not all the exercises are on the go. As Norbekov says, the main thing is creating sensations inside.