Eggplant "Almaz"

Eggplants belong to popular garden crops, so there are many varieties. They differ in terms of maturation, and the shape of the fruit, and taste. If you have not yet decided which grade to choose for planting on your site, but you know that it should be medium-sized, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the description of a variety of aubergine Almaz, the cultivation of which is no different from cultivating other varieties of this crop. Live in the northern latitudes? Then you will need a greenhouse, and residents of the southern regions can plant these eggplants immediately in the open ground. After 110-130 days, the delicious fruit will ripen.

Variety description

Eggplants of this variety are rich in proteins, pectin, sugars, vitamins, carotene and alkaline salts. The plant in height can reach sixty centimeters, and the fruits themselves are located at an altitude of 20-25 centimeters from the ground. The yield of "Almaz" is quite high. Under favorable conditions from one meter, you can collect up to eight kilograms of fruit, the length of which is 15-18 centimeters, and weight - 100-150 grams. Eggplants of cylindrical form are painted in dark purple color, and their flesh is dense, without bitterness, has a slightly greenish tinge.

The resistance of this variety to diseases is high, the fruits well tolerate transportation. The eggplant "Almaz" is equally suitable for preparing a variety of hot dishes and snacks, and for canning.

Planting and care

Grow eggplants "Almaz" seedlings, obtained from seeds. They are sown in boxes or individual pots in late February-early March if they want to avoid picking, which is very poorly tolerated by plants. The substrate must be light, fertile (a mixture of peat, turf and sand with the addition of phosphorus and ammonium fertilizers). Watering the seeds with water, the containers are covered with a film and placed in a warm room (22-25 degrees). After 8-10 days, the first shoots already "proklyutsya", and after 65-70 days seedlings will be ready for planting in the ground. Do not forget every 2 weeks to feed the seedlings with a solution of urea (15 grams per liter of water). If the seedlings are quickly stretched, add potassium to the solution.

The area where you plan to grow eggplants should be well illuminated, as the culture loves the warmth and abundance of light. Before planting on a bed, the soil must be fertilized with compost , and the seedlings themselves should be watered abundantly in pots. The optimal planting scheme is 2 plants per square meter.

It is not difficult to take care of aubergines of this variety. It is enough to water the bushes once a week (5 liters of water per square meter), periodically loosen the soil. The formation of the bush is carried out in three stems. All other shoots should be immediately removed, as well as the leaves that overshadow the main inflorescence. Since the fruits are large enough, the stems must be tied to the supports. The optimal number of ovaries on the bush is no more than six, and the height of the bush - about 30-40 centimeters. Once a month, plants need fertilizing. For this purpose, you can use special mineral top dressing or a solution of Mullein (one part of Mullein in five parts of water).

Eggplant is one of the favorite delicacies of Colorado beetles , therefore it is regularly necessary to inspect bushes and mechanically remove pests encroaching on crops. In addition, this culture is often affected by aphids and spider mite. From this misfortune will relieve periodic spraying with insecticides.

In general, the variety "Almaz", whose fruits have a real "eggplant" taste, deserves to be grown in a summer residence.