Garlic hands - good and bad

Garlic arrows represent buds, which in the future will dissolve and turn into inflorescences. But until this happens, they are quite suitable for food. They can be cooked separately, for example, fry or pickle, and also add to various dishes as a seasoning. The garlic arrows have an interesting, unusual, piquant taste, similar to the taste of denticles, but more tender, without burning vigor. Many people prefer this dish exclusively for pleasure. And they do not suspect what the benefits and harm of garlic arrows are. But they can be contraindicated to people suffering from certain types of diseases.

Are the garlic hands useful?

The benefits of arrows of garlic nutrition experts are absolutely sure. After all, these parts of the plant contain the same vitamins and trace elements as in the heads, but they contain less essential oils, so they are less odorous and sharp. What is particularly useful garlic arrows:

There is also damage from garlic shooters. First, they stimulate the appetite, so they should not be used by people who are obese. Secondly, they can exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases, anemia . Thirdly, their use should be abandoned to pregnant women.

Benefits and harm of fried garlic shooter

Heat treatment destroys some valuable food compounds, so the use of garlic arrows after frying significantly decreases. In addition, because of the used oil, they become more caloric - they can no longer be considered a dietary dish. The best option is to freeze fresh herbs, and then add it to soups, sauces and stews meat dishes.