Pancreas fibrosis

Gradual replacement of normal cells with a connective tissue is called fibrosis. As a rule, this is not an independent disease, but a consequence of some primary violations. Fibrosis of the pancreas is a typical change in its parenchyma due to a prolonged course of chronic pancreatitis. It can affect various parts of the body.

Symptoms of Pancreatic Fibrosis

Even in the presence of extensive areas of replacement of normal parenchyma with connective tissue specific characteristics in fibrosis there. It can be detected exclusively with ultrasound or after death, during autopsy.

Assuming the development of fibrosis is easy, if there is chronic pancreatitis. It manifests itself as follows:

It is worth noting that these symptoms are pronounced only with exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Prognosis and treatment for pancreatic fibrosis

No therapy is required for the pathology described, moreover, it is impossible, since there are no methods by which the connective tissue "turns" back into the parenchyma.

In this case, it is important to avoid relapses of chronic pancreatitis - to follow a diet, to exclude smoking and alcohol consumption. During exacerbations, symptomatic treatment is necessary in the form of antispasmodics, enzyme and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The prognosis for fibrosis is similar to that of pancreatitis . Changes in the pancreas are not fatal, just need to adhere to the prescriptions of the gastroenterologist and regularly do a preventive examination, ultrasound examination of the organ.

Non-traditional treatment of pancreatic fibrosis

Methods folk, as well as conservative, medicine, can not get rid of changes in the parenchyma, but with their help you can reduce the burden on the pancreas, improve its functionality.

Phytotherapists in fibrous pancreatitis recommend drinking broths and infusions of the following plants: