Jam from rhubarb is good and bad

Rhubarb belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants of the buckwheat family. In food, his petioles are used after removing the hard skin. For many centuries he grew up as a "savage" in the vastness of Asia, while the ancient Chinese, who are known to be knowledgeable in folk medicine, did not begin its cultivation and use for medicinal purposes. Now rhubarb is well known not only in Asia, but also grown in Europe. Rhubarb has an acidic taste, slightly reminiscent of the taste of apples.

Since ancient times, we are preparing jam. Earlier it was berries and honey. But over time, traditions and recipes have changed. Sugar replaced sugar, and vegetables and plants began to be used on a par with berries. One of these plants was the rhubarb. From it you can cook a wonderful jam, with the addition of lemon or orange peel, kiwi, cinnamon, vanillin and even strawberries.

Jam from rhubarb, cooked in sugar syrup, turns sourish taste. It contains carotene, vitamins A, K, E, C, P, group B and minerals: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron. It is also a storehouse of pectins, organic acids and fiber. Let's take a closer look at the usefulness of rhubarb jam.

The use of rhubarb jam

First of all, it is necessary to specify that the young shoots of rhubarb are considered to be the most favorable for eating; at this time in it the highest concentration of malic acid. In addition, as in most vegetable products, most of the beneficial elements are found in the rhubarb skin. In young stems, the peel is thin and when heat-treated (eg, cooking jam), it dissolves quite successfully.

The sphere of beneficial effect of rhubarb jam on the body is wide enough. It has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. Jam restores and improves the functioning of the intestines, improves immunity, helps skin regeneration, reduces the risk of pneumonia, well affects the cardiovascular system, strengthens the bone system, helps the body break down fats, enriches the blood with iron. In China, rhubarb is used as a febrifuge.

The calorie content of the rhubarb jam is 314 kcal per 100 grams, as well as 0.5 g of proteins, 0.5 grams of fat, 82.4 g of carbohydrates. For those who decide to lose weight, such jam will perfectly help to diversify the diet and bring in him a large number of vitamins needed by the body. If we talk about the diet now Ducane, then it should certainly include rhubarb. Dumpling from Rhubarb Dukan can be consumed in the Cruise phase, adding to it orange peel and sugar substitute when cooking.

The "harmful" side of the rhubarb jam

As in any case, with any products, despite the long list of their positive properties, in everything is good to know the measure. Do not use rhubarb in large quantities, because it contains acids. To neutralize acids, a large amount of sugar is added to the rhubarb dishes (about 1: 1.5). Therefore, primarily jam with rhubarb is not suitable for people who are prone to obesity and suffering from diabetes. However, ordinary sugar can easily be replaced with fruit and a little pamper yourself with this jam.

Do not recommend also get carried away by jam to children, pregnant women, people suffering from hemorrhoids, rheumatism. It is optimal to choose the dose, t. in a small amount, rhubarb has fixing properties, and if used excessively lead to an intestinal disorder.

As already noted above, young shoots are recommended for consumption, and not only because of malic acid. Over time, malic acid turns into oxalic, which contributes to the deposition in the body of calcium. The consequences of this can, of course, be neutralized, for example, by the consumption of milk or fatty cottage cheese , but 100% of recovery will still not be achieved.

Summarizing the article, you can safely recommend this product to use, diversifying your menu with this quite useful product. In doing so, always remember the need to observe the measure. And then everything will be of use.