Cleaning Karma

Karma is a certain set of energy possibilities or programs of a person that influences his fate and deeds throughout his life. Karma is not a punishment, it's just a load accumulated from past lives, from which you need to get rid.

By cleansing karma, you can be cleansed of blockades from your past lives, heal your past, and eliminate suffering and disease from your future. You will remove everything you do not need and can breathe your life full, free, once and for all from the burden of suffering, negativity and sadness.

Cleaning karma - slats

First of all, let's figure out what Reiki is. Reiki is the universal energy that comes to us from the universe. It is the energy that all life in our universe draws.

To master the technique of cleaning the reiki, it is necessary to pass the sacrament of initiation into this system, after which everyone can become a healer. Getting initiation on the 1st step of Reiki Usui Reiki Ryoho or getting initiation to the 1st level of Kundalini Reiki clears from blocks and enriches your energy channels , after which the healing energy of the reiki starts flowing through your hands and you become her follower. It is not superfluous to say that the technique of cleaning karma Reiki is based on the principles of harmony and love.

Cleaning Karma - Meditation

To use karma cleaning with meditation techniques , you need to do the following: Sit down in a comfortable position and mentally climb the spiral as high as possible. We visualize the blissful light that descends on you. Pay a little attention to enjoying his strength and bliss, get higher and higher. Feel with every your cell sincere gratitude and love. Express an intention to purify yourself and transform everything negative into love and gratitude. Say: "I am cleansed of everything in my body, consciousness and life, which prevents me from resonating and letting through the Divine Light and Love. I easily and freely miss the Divine Light and Love, filling Himself and the World ", repeat this three times.

Now imagine the flow of your past lives in the form of diamonds on beads and in turn in each of them let in gratitude and love, see how the flow of blissful energy flows from one bead to another, cleansing it of all dark and negative and filling it with light. Say "From now on, all my past lives become for me a Source of Love, Light, Wisdom, Knowledge of Experience. They help me on my Path of Self-Improvement, help to bring Light to the World. They become part of the space of Harmony of Love and Light passing through me. "

Perhaps one meditation for a complete purification of karma is not enough, so it should be repeated several times.

Karma cleansing with prayers

Cleaning the karma of the family with prayers removes the "karmic" problems of several generations, for example, such as spoilage or a generic curse. This can be the karma of your ancestors, or your karma, for deeds committed in past lives.

In these prayers, you should ask forgiveness from God for the sins and mistakes of your ancestors, so that you cease to be responsible for the deeds committed by them according to the law of karma. Clear karma with the help of prayer, you can only break the karmic connection with your ancestors and start living your life. Purification by this method will take 40 days.

Prayer "Our Father": Our Father, Who art in heaven! Thy name is hallowed, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and earth. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Amen.

Remember, cleaning karma does not relieve you of all your workings, it only allows you to get rid of the worked-out sins brought to new life from past incarnations.