DTP vaccine - complications

No parent can completely protect his children from all sorts of diseases, but all parents can significantly reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. For this, the practice of vaccination has been used for many years. Vaccinations do, as a rule, only from the most widespread and dangerous diseases. For example, DTP vaccine protects against such diseases as pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria. These diseases are difficult for children and dangerous for complications. With the DTP vaccine, the weakened virus gets into the body of the child, with which the immune system in most cases can easily cope and in the future, when the organism encounters a real danger, it will be able to rebuff the causative agent of the disease, which is already familiar. Many mothers are afraid to do this inoculation, as it often causes complications, and is also the first serious vaccination in the life of the baby.

DTP vaccination occurs in four stages. The first vaccination is done in two or three months, the second is not earlier than a month, the third in one to two months, and the fourth one in one year after the third. Domestic DTP vaccines can be used only for children under the age of four. If the child has not completed the DTP-vaccination course in four years, ADS vaccines are used that are suitable for children under the age of six. Foreign DTP vaccines do not have age limits.

Special preparation for vaccination with DTP is not required, except when the child has a tendency to allergic reactions.

Possible complications and consequences after DTP vaccination

DTP vaccination, like all the rest, is associated with the rebuilding of the immune system and the manifestation of minor side effects, after its application, is considered normal. Although in many cases, modern vaccinations do not cause side effects and do not bother the child in any way. It is worth noting that absolutely safe vaccinations do not exist, so a small chance of complications is possible even with the use of the most modern vaccines.

The first reaction that can be detected after DPT vaccination is a lump and redness or a rash at the injection site. Redness can reach up to 8 cm in diameter. A small swelling after DTP vaccination is considered the most common manifestation. Appears immediately after the injection and persists for 2-3 days. Also, after the DTP the child's temperature may rise, both low (37.8 ° C) and high (up to 40 ° C), it all depends on the degree of reaction of the body to the inoculation. In the first three days, pain in the area of ​​swelling, which persist for two days, is possible.

Possible reactions to DTP vaccination:

  1. Weak reaction . The child's temperature, in this case does not exceed 37.5 ° C, and there is a slight deterioration in the overall condition.
  2. Average reaction . With this reaction, the temperature does not exceed 38.5 ° C.
  3. Strong reaction . The general condition of the child is markedly worsened, the temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C.

Also, the temperature can be accompanied by such side effects as a violation of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea. In some cases, after a DPT inoculation, coughing attacks are observed, as a rule, is a manifestation of a staff of pertussis who is part of the DTP.

In general, all adverse reactions last no more than two or three days, so if any symptom lasts longer, you should look for other reasons for its occurrence. In order not to create confusion between the reaction to vaccination and food, it is not recommended to introduce a new lure a couple of days before and after the vaccination.

It is worth noting that, despite the possibility of side effects, the inoculation of DTP should be done, as the consequences of pertussis, tetanus or diphtheria are many times worse.