Cough in adenoids in children - treatment

The proliferation of the lymphatic tissue of the tonsils is called adenoids. Doctors usually note such a violation in children aged 3-7 years. It can become a consequence of a viral infection. Adenoids can be accompanied by a cough. It does not pose a danger and, with proper therapy, passes quickly. Therefore, moms are useful to know the ways of cough treatment in adenoids in children, because this phenomenon causes discomfort in the child.

What is the cure for adenoids?

It is important to remember that this symptom is divided into 2 and 3 stages of the disease. Therefore, an appeal to the doctor will be necessary in order not to start the situation. Cough usually manifests at night and has a reflex character. During sleep, the body is in a horizontal position and irritation of the nerve endings of the pharynx occurs. This is the cause of the symptom, which can lead to insomnia, irritability.

The prescribed therapy will depend on the condition of the child. If he does not complain of severe discomfort, then first try to do without medication. Regular walks are recommended, sufficient fluid intake. Suitable fruit drinks, compotes. With mild forms this is enough to eliminate coughing.

In more serious cases, the doctor will tell you how to treat a cough from adenoids in a child using drugs. The doctor can recommend to instill in a nose drops containing an antibiotic, antiseptic. It can be "Isofra", "Miramistin". Also, vasoconstrictive agents drip into the nose, for example, "Nazivin" . But remember, it's impossible to treat the disease yourself, as this can lead to deterioration of the baby's condition.

Treatment of dry cough with adenoids means taking antitussive drugs. You can choose "Sinekod". If the cough is wet, then mucolytics are needed. They include "Bronchipret", ATSTS.

It is also useful to rinse the throat with saline. They can also flush the spout.

The following inhalations proved to be well established:

In the treatment of cough from adenoids, attention should be paid to strengthening immunity. For this purpose, ascorbic acid is prescribed.

We must abandon the acute products, as they irritate the pharynx and provoke a cough. It is worth using less allergens, such as honey, chocolate, citrus. In some situations, discomfort disappears only after removal of adenoids. The doctor must decide on the operation.