Reduces or increases the pressure of Andipal?

Andipal is a combined preparation that has a vasodilating, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. A direct indication for the use of this medication is pain syndrome. But in some cases, Andipal tablets are used to lower pressure. Is it correct?

Indications for Andipal

According to the instructions for use Andipal - a symptomatic. It allows for a short time to relieve the pain syndrome and calm the nervous system. For the systemic and complex treatment of diseases, this medication is not used. Moreover, taking more than 3 tablets of Andipal per day is strongly discouraged. The maximum period during which it is possible to continue receiving this remedy is 2 days. Has the patient failed to overcome the headache during this time? It is necessary to stop immediately stop taking these pills.

Indications for the use of Andipal:

You can use the drug and the initial stage of hypertension.

Reduces or increases the pressure of Andipal?

Many patients who have problems with blood pressure are unaware of, reduce or increase the pressure of Andipal, and are afraid to take these pills. The basis of the pharmacological mechanism of action of this drug is its composition. It includes papaverine hydrochloride, metamizole sodium, phenobarbital and dibazol. The latter contributes to lowering blood pressure. This is why Andipal is taken at elevated pressure.

You have a severe headache, but you do not know the level of your BP? Refuse to take this medicine. Since Andipal - tablets from high blood pressure, after their application, the situation will only worsen!

Contraindications and side effects of Andipal

Before receiving Andipal it is worth knowing not only at what pressure it should be taken. This drug has many contraindications. So, it is forbidden to use it for:

From pressure and pain Andipal is not recommended for use in childhood (up to 12 years), during pregnancy and lactation, because the substances in its composition can act destructively on the child's brain. It is forbidden to use these tablets and for the treatment of abdominal pains until the main cause of their appearance is clarified.

This drug shows side effects only with uncontrolled long-term admission. Most often, the patient anemia, agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia. Constantly taking Andipal medication from pressure, be prepared for the fact that against the background of the suppression of the function of hematopoiesis, it can cause blood diseases. In the elderly, there is a risk of hyperthermia. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, with regular admission it is necessary to constantly monitor the pattern of peripheral blood.

In some cases this remedy can cause nausea, constipation and allergic reactions (up to anaphylactic shock). In case of an overdose, Andipalum has drowsiness, general weakness, visual impairment, severe hypotension, shortness of breath, dizziness and tinnitus .