High Pulse - Causes

The cause of high pulse or tachycardia stands out a lot. In medicine, an increase in heart rate is a value exceeding 90 beats per minute. At this time, the main muscle of the body is overloaded, which leads to a violation of pumping blood through the vessels.

The main causes of heart rate are higher than normal

The main factors that most often affect the heartbeat are stress, fear and exercise. Usually after their elimination, the body's work comes back to normal. So, for example, it is worth trying simply to sit comfortably or lie down and relax. Often helps aromatherapy . In addition, the therapeutic effect is a cup of hot green tea. Do not behave worse than black, but with the addition of mint or milk.

For a quiet life it is better to avoid constant mental overstrain, to structure workouts and to avoid unpleasant situations associated with anything.

The reasons why the heart rate increases after eating

Rapid palpitation after eating is common in many people. Usually it comes after 15-30 minutes after eating. In medicine, this disease was called gastrocardial syndrome. It is also manifested by the appearance of nausea, pain in the heart area, pressure drops and light dizziness. In some cases, a cold sweat is observed as a result of fright.

The causes that affect the proper functioning of the heart as a result of eating, are directly related to the digestive organs. In the corresponding part of the body, irritation of the receptors occurs, which is then transmitted directly to the heart through the reflex arcs. Usually it indicates such ailments as an ulcer or cancer in the digestive system. Therefore, if there is an increase in the pulse during a meal, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist who will diagnose.

Causes of high heart rate

Although an increased palpitation often indicates stress or excessive physical exertion, it can also talk about serious health problems. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the heart. The ailments associated with the main muscle of the body almost instantaneously affect the rhythm. For example, damage to the heart valves or even hardening of the artery immediately affect the pulse.

Microscopic irregularities in the upper chamber of the main muscle also affect the heartbeat. Pathology weakens the organ, which directly leads to overexertion.

In addition, problems with the thyroid gland can also affect the frequency of strokes. This body is responsible for the metabolism throughout the body. If necessary, it can provoke an acceleration of blood pumping, which increases the pulse.

Problems with the lungs also affect the increase in frequency. Many ailments make breathing difficult, which results in the absorption of less oxygen. Because of this, the heart is forced to work more. Such causes lead to a high pulse, even in a state of relative rest.

Often the frequency of attacks is due to the intake of some common drugs and substances. So, the most famous are drugs, hallucinogens and aphrodisiacs, contributing to the emergence of this phenomenon. A similar image is affected by antidepressants , antiarrhythmics and diuretics, nitrates, cardiac glycosides, as well as vasoconstrictor drugs, which are most often taken from the common cold.

The causes of a constant very high pulse

The main ailments that cause this phenomenon are: hypertension, general heart failure and liver ischemia. With these diseases, the organism usually works in an accelerated mode. Therefore, the heart also begins to struggle hard. It is important to notice the symptoms in time and begin treatment.