Inflammation of the middle ear - treatment

Penetration of infectious pathogens (viruses, fungi or bacteria) into the auditory tube often provokes otitis media. This disease is well amenable to therapy if it is performed in a timely manner. Therefore, it is important to diagnose as early as possible the inflammation of the middle ear - treatment of a mild form of otitis always passes faster and easier, involves the use of less potent and toxic medicines.

Treatment of middle ear inflammation at home

As a rule, hospitalization is not needed for the disease under consideration, with most otitis can be managed at home, following the recommendations of the otolaryngologist.

Treatment of inflammation of the middle ear with folk remedies is strictly not recommended by specialists. Their effectiveness is extremely low, and many prescriptions do not affect the pathogens and causes of otitis. The use of alternative therapeutic methods can briefly ease the symptoms of pathology, but not cure it. Temporary improvement in well-being is taken by patients for recovery, while inflammatory processes increase and spread, causing severe complications.

The only sure way to treat otitis offers conservative medicine.

Treatment of inflammation of the middle ear in adults with antibiotics and other drugs

In the early stages of the disease, the following activities are assigned:

1. Instilling in the nose of vasoconstrictor drops :

2. The introduction of medicinal solutions into the ear canal:

3. Taking antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs:

Instead of instillation of medicines into the ears, one can lay a thin wick in the ear canal impregnated with these medicinal fluids.

If the average otitis progresses, has a sharp form, it is necessary systemic use of antibacterial drugs. The most effective are:

At the same time, the doctor also prescribes local antibiotics in the form of drops ( Sofraks , Otypaks) and ointments (Bactroban, Levomecol).

In the absence of therapeutic results of drug treatment and the accumulation of a large amount of pus, surgical procedures are performed to purify and disinfect the ear canal.