Homeopathy Rus toxicodendron - indications for use

Rus toxicodendron - a climbing plant from the family Sumahovy, which grows on the territory of America, Asia. The name speaks for itself: "toxico" is poison, and "dendron" is a tree. Like many poisonous fauna in a certain dosage are extremely useful from the point of view of medical practice. Toxic is essential oil - urushiol, which, with the slightest ingress to the surface of the skin, causes itching and redness. As a medicinal raw material, the leaves are taken. Essence of them can have a beneficial effect on the skin, fibrous tissues, mucous membranes.

Indications for the use of the drug Rus toxicodendron in homeopathy

In its properties, the Russian toxicodendron is similar to aconite, arsenic and is included in the list of the most poisonous plants.

Its use is justified:

Instructions for the use of Rus toxicosis in homeopathy

Rus toxicodendron is used in different concentrations of dilution depending on the diagnosis. For example, rheumatism is best achieved by a high and medium dosage. For skin diseases are more low: 3,6. Neuralgia requires medium doses: 12-30. As a rule, a homeopathic preparation is taken on 8 pellets. If as a supporting procedure, then it is enough 3 times a day. For therapeutic purposes up to 5 times per day with equal intervals between doses.

Side effects of the toxic toxin

In spite of the fact that homeopathic doses are very small, in the case of hypersensitivity of the patient, an allergic reaction may occur. It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and for women during pregnancy and lactation. When you are ingestion, you may have mucosal edema, diarrhea. Since Rus toxicodendron acts on nerve endings, its use can lead to joint and muscle pain.