Chest frost of the child's cheeks

Outside the window is a season when there are entertainment on the street for both adults and children. Only, unfortunately, sometimes such entertainment leads to frostbite of children's cheeks. After all, even a temperature of -10 ° C is sufficient for this. And for children up to a year is enough and a higher degree, because their body has not yet learned to correctly regulate heat exchange. Let's figure out what to do in this situation and how to prevent it?

Symptoms of frostbite in children

Children first of all suffer and freeze cheeks. Therefore, I will tell you about the symptoms of frostbite, which you need to pay attention to:

If you notice at least one of these signs, then immediately get the child home, since the consequences of frostbite are sometimes deplorable. It happens that with an easy degree of frostbite, the sensitivity of the skin can only be restored in a week or two. The color of the skin can change from pale to cyanotic, and subsequently to green and yellow. Recovery after severe form in general may take several months at best. At worst, it can lead to infection of tissues and the appearance of gangrene.

What should I do if I have frostbite?

Having come home, the child should immediately begin to warm up. It is not true that the reasoning that says that a frozen person can not be immediately put into heat, but it is necessary first to rub the frozen areas with snow - this, on the contrary, promotes greater supercooling of the organism. In order to warm the child faster, it is best to put it in a slightly warm bath, gradually increasing its temperature to 40 ° C.

If the frostbitten skin flushed and began to ache, then this is a very good sign, saying that the blood circulation has recovered. You can also do a gentle massage, but only if there are no bubbles on the frost-bitten surface. After warming it is necessary to treat the damaged area of ​​the skin with alcohol, apply a bandage with a thick layer of cotton wool on the top and cover it with cellophane. Put the baby in bed and give him a warm drink with honey or raspberries. When the body is overcooled, the risk of getting sick with the flu or pneumonia is very high. After rendering first aid to the victim with frostbite, the child must be shown to the doctor!

Prevention of frostbite

Of course, you can try not to go out in the winter and sit at home all the time. But walks in the fresh air are necessary for the child, even the smallest. Therefore, in order to "ventilate" your child and not to freeze him, take the following measures:

  1. Before going outside, lubricate your face with a special cream from frostbite. He will create a fat layer, which reliably protects the skin from the cold. You can take any other fat cream, or use ordinary butter or goose fat. Just do not use moisturizing cream, in the cold, moisturizing ingredients crystallize!
  2. Dress the baby so that there are layers of air between layers of clothing. They will keep the heat emanating from the body.
  3. Legs should be shod in loose shoes. In close shoes, blood circulation is disturbed, and the feet freeze more quickly. Socks are best worn woolen. Wool perfectly absorbs moisture, leaving the legs dry.
  4. Be sure to use a wide scarf! He will hide children's cheeks and chin from the wind and frost. Also wear a cap that covers the child's forehead.

Enjoy the winter and walk to your health. Just do not miss the moment when it is worth returning home in order to warm up and drink a cup of tea.