Mycoplasma hominis - when should I go to the doctor?

Mycoplasma hominis is one of the 16 types of mycoplasmas that can be found in the body. Refers to the conditionally pathogenic, but under certain conditions it can provoke a pathology - mycoplasmosis , whose treatment is performed on an outpatient basis. Consider the causes, signs, ways to fight the pathogen.

Mycoplasmosis - Causes

Mycoplasma in women is present in the vaginal microflora always. Its concentration is small to cause disease. With the deterioration of local immunity, the development of the inflammatory process, there is an increased growth and multiplication of this smallest microorganism. The following patients are predisposed to mycoplasmosis:

Mycoplasma hominis has less pathogenicity than other types. But the microorganism is often found in the smear when there are other diseases of the genitourinary system: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Immediately, such pathologies are called medics as a provoking agent, which triggers the rapid growth of a conditionally pathogenic microflora.

How is mycoplasma hominis transmitted?

Primary infection with mycoplasma occurs during childbirth. During the fetal progression through the mother's birth canal, which is the carrier of this microorganism, penetration of the pathogen into the urogenital tract of girls is noted. In addition, intrauterine infection is possible, through the placenta (very rarely). Considering mycoplasma hominis, the path of transmission of the pathogen, doctors in the first place put forward the sexual way. Unprotected intercourse with a carrier of microorganisms leads to infection. The predisposing factors are:

Mycoplasma in women - symptoms

Mycoplasmosis in women, the symptoms of which are named below, has a latent flow. Because of this, women are recognized for the presence of the disease after a certain time after infection. Often the microorganism provokes other diseases of the urogenital tract, in the diagnosis of which the mycoplasmas are detected. These microorganisms often provoke:

Directly symptomatology of these pathologies often indicates a mycoplasmosis. Mycoplasmosis, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately after infection, is accompanied by copious secretions from the genital tract. This phenomenon causes a burning sensation, which is intensified during the process of urination. Discomfort and discomfort can accompany and sexual contact. A feature of the disease caused by mycoplasma hominis is the presence of periods of remission - when the symptomatology disappears for a while and then appears again.

Mycoplasmosis - incubation period

Mycoplasmosis in women manifests itself in 3-55 days. Such a long incubation period explains the complexity of diagnosing the disease at an early stage. Symptoms of the disease are more pronounced in men. Often, pathology is diagnosed by joint examination of spouses, before planning pregnancy. Explicit symptoms of the disease in women appear only during an exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Some ladies may not give importance to periodic burning without seeking medical help.

Allocations in mycoplasmosis

Reproduction in the reproductive system of a pathogen such as mycoplasma, the symptoms of the disease are named above, accompanied by the appearance of uninvolved secretions. In this case, their nature can be different. More often it is mucous discharge, small volume. Their independent disappearance for a short period causes a deceptive sense of recovery. The appearance of pathological discharge in 2-3 weeks in a larger volume often causes the girl to turn to a gynecologist.

Mycoplasma hominis - diagnosis

Diagnosis of pathology is complex. The analysis on mycoplasmosis allows to reveal a pathogen even at low concentration. The swab is taken from the vagina, cervix and urethra. This examination is preceded by an examination of a woman in a gynecological chair, with which the doctor may notice changes in the cervical uterine section. Immediately, these changes become an occasion for a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Mycoplasma analysis

Seeding on mycoplasma is carried out with the fence of material from the urethra, vagina, cervix. After picking up the material, it is microscopized and evaluated. An additional method of pathology diagnosis, which helps to identify the pathogen at low concentrations, is PCR. This reaction reveals the presence of the DNA of the pathogen in the blood sample, therefore it is possible to diagnose pathology even in the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease.

Mycoplasma is the norm

A smear on the mycoplasma determines the presence of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. However, a small number of them is allowed and in norm. Because of this, when diagnosing a gynecologist, attention is drawn to the concentration of mycoplasmas in the results of the analysis. The boundary condition of the norm is 104 CFU / ml. When carrying out PCR, the patient receives a positive result - mycoplasmas are present in the blood (carrier or acute stage of mycoplasmosis) and negative - absent. This analysis is used as an additional.

Mycoplasma - treatment

Mycoplasma in women, whose symptoms and treatment depend directly on the type of pathogen, is often diagnosed at a late stage. This causes long-term therapy. The basis of treatment is antibacterial drugs, a direction to suppress the growth and development of the pathogen. Selecting drugs with sensitivity, so the appointment is conducted according to the results of laboratory tests.

To exclude mycoplasma hominis, treatment is carried out in a complex manner. You need to go through both sex partners. In addition to antibiotics, physiotherapy procedures, the following groups of drugs are used in the treatment of mycoplasmosis:

Mycoplasmosis - treatment, drugs

Scheme of treatment of mycoplasmosis is established individually. When appointing a course, doctors take into account the severity of the disease, its stage, the presence of concomitant gynecological pathologies. Before treating mycoplasmosis determine the type of pathogen. The basis of therapy is tetracycline:

Effective in the fight against mycoplasma and macrolides, which include:

As alternative antibacterial agents, doctors often prescribe fluoroquinolones:

The course of antibiotics takes 3-7 days. At the same time, antifungal drugs are prescribed that suppress the growth and reproduction of fungal ones, which is due to the prolonged intake of antibiotics. In this case, appoint:

At the final stage, to restore and normalize the microflora of the vagina, use:

Mycoplasmosis - consequences in women

Not timely detected mycoplasma hominis in women is capable of provoking diseases of the urogenital system. Due to the absence of a vivid symptomatology when mycoplasma is infected with hominis, the causative agent is found in the diagnosis of an already existing reproductive system disease. Often, hidden mycoplasmosis causes such violations in the reproductive system, as:

It should be noted that the disease rarely develops independently. Mycoplasmosis is detected during the diagnosis of sexual infections, among them:

Mycoplasma in pregnancy

Mycoplasmosis in pregnancy can cause complications in the process of carrying out the fetus. At the same time, penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through the placental barrier is rare. The danger to pregnancy is a direct inflammatory process that can provoke premature birth in later periods or spontaneous abortion at the onset of gestation.

Treatment is carried out with special medications, among which Josamine is often used. Complex therapy involves the use of the same antibacterial agents in a lower dosage. Treatment of mycoplasmosis in women in the first trimester is not carried out. To strengthen immunity, the following drugs are prescribed: