Acute Adjika

At the time of mass procurement always want to try a couple of new recipes and diversify the arsenal of the pantry with additional mouth-watering jars. For lovers of thoroughly sharp dishes, we offer options for preparing acute Adjika for the winter.

How to cook a sharp adzhika from zucchini for the winter?



Squash, ripe fleshy tomatoes, carrots and sweet Bulgarian peppers are washed, cut into pieces, cut off and thrown away all unnecessary, and the rest is passed through a meat grinder. Garlic is cleaned and also twisted through a meat grinder or squeezed through a press and put in a separate bowl.

Determine the vegetable mass in an enameled pot or basin and put it on the stove. Add salt, sugar, ground red pepper and vegetable refined oil, warm it to a boil, stirring, and cook over moderate heat for forty-five minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, throw the chopped garlic and pour in the vinegar.

Hot apjiqu from zucchini spread out on sterile jars and cork with boiled lids. Let's cool the workpiece under a warm blanket, turning the jars upside down.

This recipe produces a moderately sharp adzhika. For more burning acuity, add one or two tablespoons of hot pepper with a small slide and one head of garlic.

Spicy raw adzhika from a tomato



Tomatoes, bitter and sweet peppers washed and give a good dry, spread them on a towel. Then cut the vegetables, extract the peduncles, and the peppers also seeds and rotate through the meat grinder, which we boil for about fifteen minutes. Working with hot pepper, be sure to wear rubber gloves.

The root of my horse's fuck, cut off the coarse skin, cut into small pieces and also pass through the meat grinder. In order to avoid lachrymation when twisting horseradish, we will tie a plastic bag to the meat grinder.

To the vegetable mass, we add salt to taste, mix it well and spread it in accordance with previously prepared sterile jars. Close the lids and put in the refrigerator.

Adjika from hot pepper and garlic



Before starting preparation of the workpiece, we will put on rubber gloves. We will wash the sweet Bulgarian and hot peppers, and we will save them from the pedicels and seeds. We'll clean the garlic and wash it with water.

Now several times we twist the prepared vegetables through a meat grinder to obtain the most homogeneous mass and determine it in an enameled container.

Add salt, vinegar, all the spices, heat on medium heat to a boil, stirring, and lay out the adjika according to previously prepared sterile jars. We roll up the boiled lids and let them cool completely under the blanket, turning the banks upside down. Then we define the workpiece in a dark place.