Eclampsia in dogs

At the last stages of pregnancy, a dog may have a nervous breakdown. Sometimes this condition in an animal is observed during childbirth or after childbirth . As a rule, specialists are more often pushed with postpartum eclampsia in dogs.

Eclampsia in dogs: causes

Among the signs of eclampsia in dogs, spasms or convulsions are most eloquent. Veterinarians say that this disease is often susceptible to animals with an improperly balanced protein-mineral diet, which leads to a sharp decrease in calcium in the blood.

Sometimes the mother's body is very sensitive to the products of metabolism that secrete the fetus and the placenta, reacts acutely to toxicosis. Also, the cause may be infectious diseases, helminthiases or disorders in the parathyroid gland. To a greater degree of eclampsia, dogs of small or medium breeds are susceptible. That is why the breeders will have to devote a lot of time to the correct selection of food, constantly monitor the state of health of the pet on the last terms of pregnancy.

Eclampsia in dogs - symptoms

The first signal about eclampsia in dogs is the anxiety of the pet. If you notice that the animal behaves atypically (fearful, anxious or trembling) without reasons, immediately contact a specialist. After 20 minutes, the dog begins a coordination disorder and a little later the paralysis of the back of the trunk. As a result, the animal is unable to rise independently on its own: it is the onset of a convulsive fit.

During the fit, the dog's paws and neck are outstretched, his eyes are frozen and a foam is flowing from his mouth. Such convulsive seizures occur several times a day and last about 10 minutes. After a time after another seizure, the animal behaves quite naturally.

Eclampsia in dogs-treatment

At the first symptoms of eclampsia in dogs, contact the veterinarian immediately. If you do it on time, the animal can be saved. Otherwise, such seizures lead to complications in the form of pneumonia, cerebral hemorrhages, pulmonary edema or asphyxia.

Your task is to provide the pet with complete peace, place in a comfortable room without bright light and create conditions of complete silence. When the time comes for another seizure, the dog should be slightly held in order to avoid mutilation. For the treatment of eclampsia, dogs use calcium-containing drugs and are administered orally, in severe cases, intravenous or subcutaneous injections of calcium can be given to accelerate action.

For the prevention of eclampsia in dogs, the dog is not given meat and fish dishes for 12 days before delivery. Extremely fresh cottage cheese, milk and other dairy products.