Nutrition of the child in 10 months

A ten-month-old kid still needs at least twice a day to receive breast milk, if possible. But most of the diet is already made up of foods introduced from six months of age. Mums should only diversify the baby's nutrition in 10 months, inventing new dishes from familiar products for him. An exception can be only seasonal fruits, which the child did not try before because of their absence (we also remember that exotic and imported fruit to kids can only do harm). Plum, pear and watermelon flesh necessarily like a small gourmet. If a child often suffers from constipation, then the pear should be excluded.


At 10 months, a child's diet usually consists of five to six feedings, two of which are breast milk. Breast to the baby is best given in the evening before going to sleep and at night. It is convenient for both mother and child. Breakfast usually consists of milk porridge. It is more convenient, of course, to use instant porridges, but they are not cheap. In addition, a baby, who already has several teeth, is useful to learn chewing skills, and small grains are an ideal option. For lunch, the child will gladly eat a freshly prepared soup and vegetable puree with a few drops of oil. Long to think about what to feed a child 10 months for a mid-morning snack, do not have to - sour-milk products. It's simple, fast, useful and tasty. The assortment of various curds, yoghurts, kefir is rich enough, but it is better to cook them yourself. All that is needed is a yogurt or thermos, milk and sourdough. As a supper to the kid porridge, vegetable souffle or mashed potatoes will approach. Do not forget about the drinks: water, compotes, tea, unconcentrated freshly squeezed juices.

Interesting culinary ideas

A 10-month baby's daily diet menu should include meat. If before the baby ate it in the form of mashed potatoes, then it's time to give the work to the teeth. Puree is replaced with minced meat. An excellent option - meatballs. They can be cooked not only from meat, fish are also very tasty, and most importantly - useful. Cooking meatballs easily: through the meat grinder skip lean meat, add milk soaked milk and a little onions. If the baby does not have allergies, add one yolk. Instead of salt it is better to use a salt solution (a quarter of a teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Form the balls, cook them for 15 minutes in salted water. Meatballs can be added to soups and porridges. By the way, raw meatballs can be stored in a freezer, then every day you do not have to cook them.

Sour-milk dishes for the child 10 months give an occasion for mother's imagination: a variety of curd casseroles, yogurts with the addition of favorite fruits and berries, delicate curd soufflé. Do not forget, every new dish should be offered to the kid in the minimum amount. An insidious allergy can manifest itself where you are not waiting. Gradually the portion can be brought to of a full volume. For example, first cook cottage cheese casserole only from cottage cheese, semolina and egg yolk. Later in the dish you can add raisins, pears, apples and other fruits that are not allergenic to the baby.

Each mother tries to cook for the child the most delicious and interesting, but here diversity can play against the child. It is better if the recipes for the baby for 10 months contain the minimum amount of ingredients, and the heat treatment of the products is minimal. His love for the children can be shown by decorating the dishes in an original way. The usual mashed potatoes will cause the kid's interest if it is laid out in the form of a butterfly or a snowman, and the curd will taste better if it is turned into balls that can be taken from a plate with hands.

Bon Appetit!