Elevated white blood cells in urine during pregnancy

This phenomenon, like elevated white blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, is noted quite often. This fact is explained by the fact that the work of the body's defense system is activated, so-called antigenic load increases. That is why physicians admit an increase in this indicator to 3 units, which in principle is considered the norm.

Why in pregnancy can leukocytes be increased in the urine?

The change in the color of the secret urine must always alert the pregnant woman. If there are white blood cells in it, it becomes dark, the transparency disappears. Appears loose sediment, which has a mucous consistency.

If we talk about the reasons that in the urine during pregnancy, leukocytes are raised, the doctors call:

Elevated levels of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy is the basis for further diagnosis and establishing the exact cause of this symptomatology.

What is dangerous is the high content of leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy?

If no measures are taken in time, it can lead to such a violation as leukocytosis.

The danger and insidiousness of it lies in the fact that it develops very rapidly, quickly acquires a generalized form. Often, this ailment is accompanied by such a phenomenon as bleeding. By itself, blood loss can not only worsen the condition of a pregnant woman, but also lead to the interruption of the gestation process at any time.

Therefore, if the pregnant woman has leucocytes in the urine, then the doctors must take control. In this case, a reanalysis is almost immediately performed.

The fact is that often in connection with violation of hygiene rules, in the urine, white blood cells can get out of the reproductive system. Therefore, doctors always point to the urine collection algorithm: after a wash, it is necessary to introduce a hygienic swab into the vagina. It is necessary to collect an average portion of urine, and within 2 hours to deliver to the laboratory.

Thus, the increase in the number of white blood cells in urine can be caused by a number of factors. To correctly determine the cause, doctors will have to conduct complex diagnostics. It consists in the collection of smears from the urethra, vagina, bacteriological examination.