Mold in a flowerpot

One of the most common problems in growing indoor plants is fungal disease. If mold appeared in the flower pot, this is a sign of improper care for the flower. A whitish coating on the surface of the soil sometimes does not cause concern for the florists, and this moment is precisely the beginning of the development of fungal disease.

Why does mold appear in a pot of flowers?

White mold in flower pots is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. With such a problem, amateurs are faced with growing a garden in a bottle . Both cases have one source: a fungal disease. There are several main reasons why in a pot mold:

As you can see, the mold in the room colors can appear at any time and it does not matter which kind of indoor plants you prefer. So you should clearly know what to do in such a situation, because some flowers are not just a decoration of the room, but also a very expensive treat.

How to remove mold from flowers?

The first thing to remember is that the mold in the flowerpot will not go away if you take off a small lump of earth. It extends not only in breadth, but also in depth. It is necessary to remove completely the entire top layer, so that the disease does not take root.

Most often with such a problem, flower growers encounter during the off-season, when the temperature drops noticeably, and central heating is not included yet. Evaporation takes place more slowly and the processes of stagnation of water and decay of soil begin. To prevent mold in the flower pot, loosen the top layer of the soil constantly to ensure full air permeability.

To the soil in the flower is not covered with mold, it is recommended to use a solution of lemon juice or acid every two weeks instead of plain water. In a glass of water, dilute either a pinch of citric acid, or a teaspoon of juice. This helps to neutralize fungus spores, which are dormant in the ground.

To combat yellow mold in flower pots use activated charcoal. For this, in the process of planting plants in the ground add pieces of sphagnum moss and several tablets of activated or pieces of charcoal. They can be added to the land that you will replace the top layer. When, together with the appearance of mold on the ground, indoor flowers begin to wither, foundation should be used. This drug has proven itself as a remedy for the fungus. They cultivate the land and the plant itself.

White mold in flowerpots: methods of prevention

As you know, prevention is always better than treatment. That the problem of a fungal infection has not touched you, it is enough to observe some simple rules. If you only noticed that the soil in the pots is covered with mold, immediately treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure is also carried out for healthy flowers once a month. Well, the simplest and most reliable way - garlic cloves. Simply cut them into large pieces and prikopaite as close as possible to the flower, then pour the plant with water. As soon as the ground dries, garlic is removed. Such a procedure can be carried out during each watering and mold in the flowerpot does not appear.