Kegel exercises during pregnancy

In the 40s of the last century, special Kegel exercises for pregnant women were developed. The problem that prompted Dr. Arnold Kegel to develop these exercises was the frequent treatment of patients suffering from uncontrolled urination during childbearing. Surgical treatment, which was practiced at that time, did not always have a positive result, and Dr. Kegel decided to try to solve the problem from within, eliminating the very reason that was the weakening of muscle tone, which occurs under the influence of fetal pressure and hormonal changes.

Thus, Kegel exercises for pregnant women were developed, which in the shortest time gained popularity in many countries of the world. The results of the exercises surpassed all expectations, as it turned out that they solve much more problems than originally thought. Performing Kegel exercises during pregnancy, you can prepare the muscles of the small pelvis for childbirth and avoid tissue rupture when passing a child through the birth canal. And the performance of exercises after childbirth helps to restore the body as soon as possible.

Also, over time, it was found that Kegel exercises are effective not only in pregnancy, but also in a variety of genitourinary diseases and sexual disorders. This discovery greatly contributed to the popularity of the methodology. As the number of women who performed Kegel exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth increased, the complex was enriched, and various variations of exercise appeared. For example, some exercises began to be combined with yoga. It is possible to master such modifications of Kegel exercises for pregnant women by video, or under the supervision of an instructor, for example, in courses for pregnant women. The original version of the complex exercises is simple enough, and learn how to perform it will not be difficult. But it is worth paying attention that with some deviations and violations of Kegel exercise during pregnancy can be contraindicated. Therefore, before you perform them, you need to consult a doctor.

Kegel Exercises for Pregnant Women

Exercise Kegel during pregnancy, experts recommend performing in a relaxed environment, perhaps under relaxing music, listening to your body. Do not start the exercise suddenly, the load should be increased gradually, as the muscles strengthen.

  1. The first exercise of kegel for pregnant women consists in alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles surround the urethra, vagina and anus. During the contraction of the muscles, the body should be relaxed, breathing even. About 10 seconds you need to keep your muscles in a tight state, after which you should relax smoothly. You should start with 5 exercises, in time you can bring up to 10 exercises in one approach, you can also increase the number of approaches. Over time, it is possible to complicate this exercise, to contract muscles slowly, each time strengthening the compression to keep the voltage for 2-3 seconds, after which again to strengthen and retain tension. The maximum reduction of muscles, you should also gradually relax them with small pauses in 2-3 seconds.
  2. The second exercise is the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. It is performed without tension, breathing is even, the body is relaxed. You can start exercises with 10 rhythmic cuts, 2-3 approaches, after which you can increase the number of exercises and approaches.
  3. The third exercise is necessary for training the muscles of the vagina. This will require a certain concentration of attention. Muscles of the vagina can be represented in the form of a tube consisting of rings. The exercise consists in alternating the reduction of these rings, and after each reduction it is necessary to hold the voltage for 2-3 seconds, then rise higher, cutting the next ring. For the convenience of visualization of the exercise, experts propose to present a lift on an elevator of a multi-storey building with stops on each floor. Having reached the upper ring, you should also relax your muscles smoothly, pausing on each ring. After completing the cycle of "lifting" and "descent" the muscles are completely relaxed.
  4. The fourth exercise consists in alternately contracting the muscles surrounding the urethra, vagina and anus. After contracting the muscles, you should relax them in the reverse order - first relax the muscles of the anus, then the vagina and the urethra. Reduction and relaxation should be smooth, wavy.
  5. The next Kegel exercise for pregnant women is necessary to prepare the muscles for the period of labor during labor. The possibility of performing this exercise should be separately agreed with the doctor. Having adopted any convenient position of labor, one should relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and slightly strain, while not reducing muscles. Exercise should be done carefully, without undue tension. Muscles slightly protrude and hold in this position for about 5 seconds. After this, relaxation and contraction of the muscles follows. Exercise is performed once a day after bladder emptying.

To study the complex of exercises Kegel during pregnancy can be and with the help of video, which contains consultations of specialists. But, as the creator of the exercises points out, for correct implementation it is required not only to adhere to the recommendations, but first of all to learn how to feel and control your muscles. This is much more important than pumping muscles and making them stronger, because the purpose of the exercises is precisely to develop flexibility and control over your body.

Carrying out Kegel exercises during pregnancy, you can save yourself from many problems during childbirth and with postpartum recovery, maintain the elasticity of the muscles of the small pelvis. In modern traditional medicine, this complex is often prescribed before and after pregnancy, as a prophylaxis and additional treatment for many diseases.