Rowan - useful properties and contraindications

Traditional medicine has long been using ashberry in the treatment of almost all cardiovascular diseases. In addition, berries rich in vitamins are used as an immunostimulating agent for the prevention of flu and cold, especially in winter. But this is not only why rowan is valuable - useful properties and contraindications to the use of plant fruits have been studied more thoroughly. During the study it was found out that these bitter berries can cope with diseases of digestion, inflammatory processes in female genital organs, pathologies of the endocrine, circulatory system and even cancerous tumors.

Useful properties of berries of mountain ash and contraindications to their use

The fruits of the small tree under consideration are not very palatable in the raw form because of the high content of phytoncids in them. These substances have a harmful effect on staphylococci, salmonella and mold fungi, due to which rowan has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Also the chemical composition of berries is rich:

The listed components explain the mass of favorable effects produced by drugs from mountain ash:

Funds based on red berries are recommended for normalization of blood sugar level, restoration of blood pressure, metabolism and digestion, therapy of kidney and urinary system diseases.

There are useful properties of mountain ash and contraindications to its use especially for women. It is known that preparations from the fruit of the tree quickly stop uterine bleeding, help against toxicosis, alleviate climacteric syndrome, amenorrhea. Such remedies, with regular use, restore the hormonal balance well.

As can be seen, mountain ash is a raw material for quite potent drugs, so it has a number of contraindications:

It is important to note that all useful properties and contra-indications of red mountain ash are the same for berries in dried and raw form. Therefore, the fruits can be harvested in advance for later use. It is recommended not only to dry the bunches, but also to make jam, compotes, tinctures, liqueurs.

Useful properties and contraindications to the means of leaves and bark of mountain ash

The phytoncides mentioned earlier are contained both in plant berries and in other parts of the tree.

The leaves and rubbed bark of mountain ash are used in folk medicine for treatment:

However, there are no contraindications, topical application such drugs produces only a positive effect.

Useful properties of chokeberry and contraindications to the use of recipes from it

Chokeberry mountain ash is considered more useful for the immune system, since it additionally contains some trace elements - iron, molybdenum, boron and fluorine. In addition, the products from such fruits have the best detoxification properties.

There are almost no contraindications to black-ash rowan berries, but there are insignificant cautions. For example, drugs from this plant are contraindicated in people who are prone to blood clots.