Norm Mantoux in children - the size

In our time, the Mantoux reaction is made for all children who go to a preschool or school. After all, tuberculosis is really a terrible disease, which is easily transmitted to children's groups. Few parents want to risk their child's health. Therefore, in connection with the increased cases of a positive reaction of the body to the tuberculin test, it is desirable to know the Mantoux norm in children and what should be the size of the spot that remains on the skin after the administration of weakened bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

What should be the Mantoux diameter in children according to medical standards?

After injection of tuberculin, the body's reaction is evaluated no earlier than 72 hours, measuring the size of the formed papule - the reddened area with a seal that rises above the surface of the skin. It is necessary to perform a number of manipulations in a certain sequence:

  1. First, they examine the injection site to establish the absence of reaction, the presence of hyperemia and swelling.
  2. After that, by careful feeling, the thickness of the skin at the site of tuberculin is determined, and only then proceed to record the size of the Mantoux reaction and its comparison with the norm.
  3. Measurement is carried out only with a transparent ruler and only the value of the seal is determined. If it is not, only then are the sizes of redness around estimated.

Depending on the measurement results obtained, the Mantoux test is considered:

  1. Negative if the infiltrate is completely absent or the spot diameter from the injection is 0-1 mm.
  2. Doubtful, in the case when the size of the papule is 2-4 mm with no compaction, but there is redness around the site of the injection.
  3. Positive, when the compaction is clearly pronounced. The norm of the Mantoux vaccine size in children for a weakly positive reaction is the infiltrate size of not more than 5-9 mm in diameter. If it is 10-14 mm, the reaction of the body is classified as medium intensity, but with a pronounced papule with hyperemia around a size of 15-16 mm, it is classified as clearly pronounced.
  4. Hyperergic (in this case, parents should immediately be alerted), if the diameter of the infiltrate is 17 mm or more when measured. Particularly dangerous is the condition after the Mantoux reaction, which fixes the appearance of pustules and tissue necrosis at the site of the injection, as well as the increase in lymph nodes, regardless of the size of the seal.

It also matters a lot how much time has passed since the introduction of the BCG vaccine. To understand what size Mantoux should be in the norm, pay attention to the following:

  1. If after a vaccination from tuberculosis has passed a year, do not panic if the size of the seal is 5-15 mm: this is a normal phenomenon that is classified as postvaccinal immunity. But if the infiltrate exceeds 17 mm, be sure to seek medical advice.
  2. Two years after BCG was done, the size of the papule should remain the same, as before, or decrease. Visit a specialist if the Mantoux result has changed from negative to positive or the diameter of the seal has increased by 2-5 mm. An increase of 6 mm or more is a likely sign of infection.
  3. In 3-5 years after the introduction of the anti-tuberculosis vaccine, it is very easy to understand what size Mantoux is considered the norm in children. The diameter of the seal should decrease in comparison with the previous result and make no more than 5-8 mm. If the tendency to decrease is absent or the size of the papule has increased by 2-5 mm after the last Mantoux vaccine, a visit to the TB dispensary will not hurt.