Cleaning the liver of thistle

Even if you do not suffer from any disease, support for your body is required. So, for example, it is very useful to clean the liver of a thistle. Of course, people who suffer from this or that ailment of the body, should spend it more often. But absolutely healthy this procedure does not hurt.

Why is milk thistle used to clean the liver?

Herbs and medicinal plants on any organism affect favorably. Milk thistle is a unique flower that is used to treat various diseases:

The secret of success is in the composition of useful substances, consisting of:

Recipes from the thistle for cleaning the liver

The most attractive thing is that you can clean the liver with any part of the milk thistle. Useful substances are contained in the roots, in the seeds, and in the leaves of this herb. The main thing is to know the recipes and correctly prepare the medicinal means.

Recipe number 1 - how to take decoction of the roots of milk thistle for liver cleansing

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Dry the mixture to grind, and heat the water to the state of boiling water. For half an hour the broth should be held in a water bath in a closed enameled vessel. After the medicine is filtered. Drink it best three times a day for one spoonful.

Recipe №2 - effective cleaning of the liver with the infusion of thistle seeds

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Pour the seeds with boiling water and close the container with the lid mixture. Wait until the medicine has cooled down, after which you can drink it twice a day. The best health and cleansing course is a month.

Recipe number 3 - how to take tea from the thistle of milk thistle for cleaning the liver

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

To make a meal - flour - seeds should be gently crushed. Pour the resulting powder with boiling water. In the finished mixture, add mint. The resulting tea can be drunk on a cup three times a day. Do this preferably before eating.

Recipe number 4 - tincture on the seeds of thistle for cleaning the liver

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

All components of the composition are mixed in one bowl. It is desirable that it is a dark glass vial. The latter clog and leave at room temperature for two weeks to insist. Before use, filter the tincture through gauze. You need to drink it a few drops.