Analog Tantum Verde

Tantum Verde belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs intended for local administration. The main active substance of the drug is the derivative of indazoles - benzidamine hydrochloride. In its group, the drug is considered effective and has virtually no side effects, but can cause allergic reactions, and in addition, it is quite expensive. Consider what can replace Tantum Verde.

Structural analogues of Tantum Verde

Structural analogs, or synonyms, of drugs are called drugs with the same basic active substance.

Tantoum Verde Forte

It is the same drug as tertum verde, but with a higher concentration of active substance.


Solution and spray for topical application. The absolute analogue of Tantum Verde spray and solution respectively, with the same concentration of active ingredient, indications for use, and being in the same price category.

Other analogues of Tantum Verde

Below are considered some preparations with another active substance, but having the same pharmacological effect as Tantum Verde.


Antiseptic in the form of a spray based on phenol.


Antibacterial drug, which includes:

Ingalipt is designed to treat various inflammatory diseases of the throat, but with dental diseases is not used. According to the price category, it is one of the cheapest analogues of Tantum Verde.


Antiseptic of a wide spectrum of action on the basis of chlorhexidine in tablets. It is used to treat:

Grammidine Neo

Antibacterial tablets, which include antimicrobial agent gramidicin, antiseptic and local anesthetic. Almost all kinds of infections of the nasopharynx are sensitive to this drug, and it is used in the treatment of:


The drug, which has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, hemostatic and enveloping action. Available in the form of a spray and rinse liquid. The main active substance of the drug is hex-ethidine. One of the most effective analogues of Tantum Verde, which at the same time costs about a third cheaper.