A Harry Potter-style party

Theme party - it's always great, and if it's also in the style of Harry Potter, then it's magical. To organize such a holiday, you need to think a lot, starting with trifles like beautiful invitations, ending with treats and entertainment.

Designing a room for a party in the style of Harry Potter

At the entrance to the room you can hang a "brick" curtain, so that guests get to the holiday, passing through this "wall". When entering, they must wear a black robe and a wizard's hat, and also get their magic wand.

Everywhere in the room, place cans with "potions", hang posters with spells, lay out thick books wrapped in black paper. Harmonious in the corners of the ceiling will look like bats and owls. And do not forget the main attribute - the broom, and also - the talking head of Dumbledore. You can make it from a sponge and brown velvet.

Costumes for a party in the style of Harry Potter

In addition to the props in the form of a robe, hat and wand, you will need a white shirt and striped necktie, a scarf of the corresponding faculty, a bag-bag, glasses, an old book, a checkered knee-length skirt, a dark classic jacket.

Treats at the New Year party in the style of Harry Potter

Depending on whether you are hosting a Harry Potter party for children or adults, the menu may be slightly different. So, the children's table can be varied with pumpkin juice and pumpkin cookies, chocolate frogs, beans, marmalade sweets. For adults to all this, add creamy beer.

Entertainment at the Harry Potter party

Invite the guests to practice in the preparation of various "potions", giving them as ingredients whipped cream, colorful juices, fruit and sprinkles. If the holiday is an adult, add alcoholic beverages to the list. Do not forget about the names and purposes of the cocktails and arrange a contest for the best potion.

Arrange a search for a philosopher's stone, dragon hunting, or searching for a golden snitch. We are sure that both children and adults will like this.