Sore veins on legs

Veins on the feet usually hurt with varicose enlargement and inflammation of the walls of the vessels. Such symptoms are typical for phlebitis and thrombophlebitis - quite dangerous diseases, which in time can lead to serious complications.

Why do the veins hurt on the legs?

Pain in the veins of the legs occurs due to inflammatory processes and in violation of blood circulation. To such problems, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or, on the contrary, are exposed to excessive physical exertion are more likely. Also, the factors that can trigger such symptoms include blood diseases, excessive weight, smoking, hormonal imbalance, endocrine and other diseases that can adversely affect blood circulation and the condition of the vessel walls.

When varicose veins stagnate blood, veins expand and lose their elasticity, which as a result leads to the formation of thrombi. In addition to pain, with such diseases, there are vascular sprockets, veins on the legs swell, protrude above the surface of the skin with peculiar nodes, there are swelling and a feeling of heaviness.

What to do if the veins hurt on the legs?

Pain in the veins indicates a serious impairment of blood circulation and the formation of blood clots, which can be life-threatening, so medical advice is mandatory.

As first aid measures in case of pain, you can:

  1. Reduce the load on the limbs and try to keep the legs in elevated position (lie, put the sick limb on the pillow or lean against the wall, especially after a long walk).
  2. Make a cooling compress on the painful area.
  3. Use external anesthetics - various creams and ointments based on plant and animal components (extracts of horse chestnut, leeches, etc.) or with the content of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. With severe pain, you can drink anesthetic medication (best of the ibuprofen group).

Treatment of pain in the veins of the legs

Let's consider, than treat veins on legs if they hurt, in traditional and national medicine:

  1. Ointments and gels to relieve swelling and inflammation, improve the condition of blood vessels ( Troxevasin , Venoruton, Venastat, Ginkor gel, Girudoven, Cyclovene).
  2. Anticoagulants. First of all, these are ointments containing heparin - Heparin, Gepatrombin, Lyoton, Tromblets. In addition, the use of anticoagulants in tablets is acceptable. Because of the high risk of complications, such medications should be used only as prescribed by the doctor, in accordance with the prescribed dosages.
  3. Compresses with alcohol tinctures of horse chestnut, white acacia, Kalanchoe, young walnuts.
  4. Hirudotherapy.
  5. Ingestion of nettle broths, a mixture of chestnut flowers, white acacia and hawthorn fruits in equal proportions, an alcoholic mummy tincture and nutmeg.

Therapeutic methods of treatment are effective if the disease is not neglected. With severe acute pain, the formation of clearly visible, bulging nodes may require surgical intervention.