What vitamins are in apricots?

Everyone is looking forward to the summer season, in order to get pleasure from various fruits and berries. There is an opinion that in this way, a person can make himself a supply of vitamins, a certain "pillow of safety from illnesses," for almost a year!

Sweet fruit apricot - many like it very much, and some can eat almost a kilogram at a time! I wonder what kind of vitamins are contained in apricots and how useful they are.

Useful properties of apricot - vitamins and minerals

The apricot contains a large number of useful minerals and biologically active substances, enriching the human body with its properties!


  1. A - possesses properties useful for the eyes, and also reduces the risks of the appearance of diseases associated with oncology.
  2. B1- is a metabolic regulator, which supplies carbohydrates to the cell level; is able to carry out early healing of wounds.
  3. B2 - helps the formation of antibodies, and thus increases the body's resistance to many infections; if necessary, balances reproductive work in the human system, and will affect the blood circulation.
  4. B5 - is the regulator of the nervous system, which is engaged in providing various exchanges in the system: lipid, protein and carbohydrate. Helps correctly organize the work of the inner glands of a person.
  5. B6- promotes the process of formation of blood and antibodies. A kind of assistant, for a good assimilation of carbohydrates and proteins. Prevents the aging of the body.
  6. B9 - has properties that enhance immunity. It is engaged in the destruction of harmful cholesterol . Participates in blood formation.
  7. C - contains a set of useful properties. Forms antibodies, which increase the resistance of the body for various diseases. It makes vascular walls stronger, and also prevents the formation of cancerous diseases!
  8. E - has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the hair and on the skin, providing them with elasticity, healthy shine and firmness.


All these minerals that are in apricots are simply irreplaceable to people who have problems with cardiovascular system, and phosphorus and magnesium, affect the improvement of memory .

Fruit acids:

The content of these acids in the apricot, allows the fruit to be useful, especially for the body in the process of growth. Thanks to them, growth is stimulated, immunity increases and blood circulation of the brain improves.