What tests should I take when planning pregnancy?

Unlike the CIS countries, pregnancy planning in Western countries is a normal process that precedes the conception of the baby. However, it should be noted that in recent times he has also been paying much attention to the territory of the post-Soviet space.

Knowing the need for it, not all future mothers have an idea of ​​what kind of tests you need to pass while planning future pregnancies. Let's consider this process in more detail, telling about each of the studies separately.

What tests should I take immediately before planning a pregnancy?

As you know, with the development of pregnancy the body of a woman experiences enormous loads. In view of this, the diagnosis of the condition of the main organs of the female organism is of no small importance. This helps to avoid problems already during the course of pregnancy.

The process of planning pregnancy usually takes 2-3 months. This duration is explained, first of all, by the fact that certain types of research must be carried out at a certain time of the menstrual cycle.

Ideally, before you take tests for pregnancy planning, to diagnose a woman's condition, it is very important to visit such doctors as a therapist, an ENT, a dentist, a gynecologist, and if necessary, more narrow specialists.

In some cases, before the company attempts to conceive, doctors recommend doing some kinds of vaccinations, among them - against rubella, hepatitis B. Also mandatory for conducting pregnancy planning are compatibility tests . They are necessarily assigned to spouses who can not conceive a baby for a long time. The main thing in this case is research on the definition of Rh factor.

Only after passing the experts can begin to take tests. So, first of all, when planning pregnancy, women take tests for hidden (ongoing asymptomatic) infections: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea.

If to speak in general, then the list of laboratory studies conducted during pregnancy planning, usually looks like this:

Also it is necessary to say that this list can be expanded if the potential mother has chronic pathologies, and if they are suspected of such pathologies. Thus, hormone analyzes during the pregnancy planning process are prescribed in situations where women have problems with conception or have a history of gynecological abnormalities.

What other studies can be conducted at the stage of pregnancy planning and in what cases?

Genetic tests for pregnancy planning are only shown in certain cases. Among them are:

Thus, it can be said that the list of mandatory examinations in preparation for pregnancy is not so great. However, everything depends on whether the spouses have chronic diseases. It is also worth noting that the delivery of tests for men during pregnancy planning is not mandatory and is most often performed only with problems with conception. In such cases, the main research conducted in men is a blood test for hormones and spermogram.