What is more useful - a chicken or a turkey?

Poultry meat is a delicious and healthy dietary product. The most common chicken and turkey. The first is available at a price, the second is widely known for its valuable nutritional properties, but costs several times more. Not surprisingly, many consumers are worried about the question, which is more useful: a chicken or a turkey. After all, what distinguishes their meat, they know not all.

What is the difference between a turkey and a chicken?

The conditions of keeping and life expectancy of these birds are different. Chickens grown for meat live on average six months, and almost all the time they spend in close cages. A turkey can reach the age of ten, and grow them in spacious enclosures in good conditions, because otherwise the birds quickly die. Hence the difference between the nutritional value of turkey meat and chicken meat. First, they have different fat content: in the first case, only 5 grams of fat per 100 grams of product, in the second - 20 grams of fat per 100 grams of product. Consequently, chicken meat is caloric. Secondly, the protein in the turkey is also greater than in the chicken, its meat contains higher content of valuable amino acids, phosphorus and calcium, which are easily absorbed by the body, but less cholesterol.

Why turkey is better than chicken: the opinion of specialists

For those who do not know what is more useful, a chicken or a turkey, one should listen to the opinion of nutritionists. Specialists do not single out this or that kind of meat unequivocally, noting that each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Chicken is nutritious, its meat can be eaten every day, with proper use it does not threaten the figure, but it is a source of protein and other nutrients. From it, a medicinal broth is cooked, which is shown to patients to restore strength and strengthen immunity .

Those who often eat turkey are rarely in a bad mood. After all, her meat contains tryptophan, responsible for the production of hormones pleasure endorphins. In addition, turkey fillet has an ideal balance of saturated fatty acids, so this is the best product for people who follow a figure and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Turkey rarely causes allergies, so it is safe for young children. It is more often recommended to diabetics and hypertensive patients because of the lower content of fat and harmful cholesterol .

Thus, the question of what is best: meat of a turkey or chicken, nutritionists answer as follows: it is useful to call both that and another product. But if there is a choice, then the turkey should be preferred.