Feast of Purim

Scattered around the world, Jews often experienced persecution and death threats. Sometimes the government of the countries in which the exiles stayed, even carried out a real genocide against the Jews, carving out the unwanted population completely. Rightsless people had only to flee secretly abroad in search of a new refuge in the event of rumors about a possible bloody massacre. But even leaving all their property, families with many children could not always get away from the chase. That is why the cases of the incredible salvation of the Jewish people from the pogroms overgrown with legends and special events were held in honor of such events. The Jewish holiday of Purim can also be attributed to their number, because its history is based on the authentic fact of the miraculous salvation of the Jewish population of the ancient Persian state from the treacherous intrigues of the enemies of the sons of Israel.

History of the Jewish holiday of Purim

Persian empire in those distant times (486-465 BC) ruled the cruel and despotic Artaxerxes. About the nasty and unpredictable nature of this Persian lord says the fact of the execution of his first wife, who ventured to resist the desire of her husband to dance before the tipsy company of high guests. By the way, such a cruel advice was given to the ruler by the adviser Aman, who later will become the main villain of our history.

To grieve was not in the rules of the king Artaxerxes, and he quickly decided to find a new narrowed, forcing to bring to the palace the best beauties of the empire. When choosing a new hostess, he was very attracted by the magnificent Esther. Even without asking about the origin of this passionate woman, Artaxerxes immediately announced the wedding. Only then it turned out that clever Esther is a cousin known to all the Jew Mordechai, who saved the ruler from the conspiracy a few years ago. But first about the Jewish roots, the new wife decided to keep quiet and kept everything secret, until the insidious Aman began to build new intrigues.

Mordechai was famous for his devotion and honesty, but he flatly refused to fall on his knees before the all-powerful minister. The vain Haman was angry, and he decided to punish the entire Jewish population as a punishment. By the way, the anger towards the Jews in this man was also explained by his origin. The ancestors of the counselor were nomadic Amalekites who had always been at loggerheads with the sons of Israel. Relying on the will of the pagan gods, he cast lots and sets the date of the massacre - the 15th day of the month Adar. If you previously did not know what the name of the Purim holiday means, then you need to look for the roots of the word in the Old Persian language. It comes from the word "pur", which is translated as casting lots.

The only intercessor of the Jewish people could only be the beautiful Esther. She spent three days with the other Jews holding fast, and then entered the chambers of the brutal Artaxerxes. A cunning woman drank and fed her husband, and then arranged him so much that he promised to fulfill any whims of his wife. The wife's story about the intrigues of the chief adviser led the all-powerful ruler into a rage. The insidious Haman was executed, and the Jews were allowed to arm and defend, which led to the extermination of the relatives of the former minister and many thousands of his accomplices. Since then, the Jews have always attached great importance to the holiday of Purim and always celebrated it magnificently.

How is the merry Purim holiday celebrated now?

Many are having difficulty determining how many days the Purim holiday will be celebrated in this or that year. Celebrations always fall on 14 and 15 adar, which falls at the end of February or early March. The change of dates is due to the fact that the lunar year is less than the solar year for a whole decade. Therefore, for example, if in 2016 Purim was celebrated on March 23-24, then in 2017 this holiday will be to meet already on March 11-12.

In the Torah of Purim nothing is said, therefore it is possible to work on this day, but it is undesirable. In the synagogues on the feast solemnly read the scrolls of Esther about the ancient events in the evening and the morning of the next day. The name of the villain Aman is terribly booed by the audience and tries to drown out the sounds of rattles. Then carnival processions are held, people drink wine and give extraneous sweets, wealthy Jews give donations to the poor. Traditional dishes are in the holiday of Purim patties of a triangular shape with a filling of poppy, nuts and dried fruits . By the way, these delicious sweets are called "the ears of Haman".