Hemoglobin - the norm in children

Periodically, each mother drives her child to give a general blood test. According to him, the pediatrician tracks first of all the level of hemoglobin - iron-containing protein, which is part of the red blood cells. That is why the latter have a red color. The main function of hemoglobin is the transport of oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body and the transfer of carbon dioxide to the alveoli for its withdrawal. Without oxygen, the oxidative biochemical reactions can not proceed, as a result of which the energy necessary for vital activity is formed. And if the level of hemoglobin is insufficient, all organs and the organism as a whole will suffer from this, as they will lack oxygen. All this will affect the state of the child - it will become languid, sleepy, pale, its working capacity will decrease, sleep will worsen. Thus, a constant control over the level of hemoglobin will allow to recognize the problem in time and solve it. But then what indicators of iron-containing protein are considered normal?

Normal hemoglobin in infants

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood varies depending on the age of the child. Because of this, the same index of this protein at one age is considered the norm, and in the other it indicates a lack.

In a general blood test, the amount of hemoglobin in grams per liter is measured. After birth in a newborn in the first three days of life, a level equal to 145-225 g / l is considered normal. Gradually it will decrease, and by the end of the first month of life in a crumb, the level of hemoglobin should fluctuate within 100-180 g / l. The level of hemoglobin in children at two months of age can be equal to 90-140 g / l. In a three-month infants up to six months of age, fluctuations in iron-containing protein should not exceed 95-135 g / l.

At the kid who was six months old, the results of the analysis with indices of 100-140 g / l are considered good. Normal are the same indicators of hemoglobin in children under the age of 1 year.

Norms of hemoglobin in children from 1 year and older

A year-old baby should feel great if in its analyzes the hemoglobin level fluctuates between 105-145 g / l. The same norm is typical for a child of two years.

In children between the ages of 3 and 6, the normal values ​​are 110-150 g / l. From the age of seven and up to 12 years, the hemoglobin level should be 115-150 g / m.

In adolescence (13-15 years), iron-containing protein normally reaches 115-155 g / l redistribution.

And if hemoglobin is not normal?

If the general blood test indicates a decreased hemoglobin, the child may develop anemia - a disease in which there is a shortage of red blood cells - red blood cells. When anemia should first pay attention to the diet of the baby. In infants, iron is transmitted from the mother with breast milk. Therefore, with his lack of a blood test, follow the nursing mother. The reason why a child has low hemoglobin may be due to blood diseases and a genetic factor. If we talk about how to raise a baby hemoglobin, then you need to pay attention to the diet. The daily menu of a nursing mother or child should include meat, buckwheat, broths, pomegranate juice. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe iron-containing preparations.

There is also an excessively high hemoglobin in a child, in which the level of this protein exceeds the upper limit of the norm. With increased hemoglobin in the child , the causes are mainly heart defects, diseases of blood vessels, blood and pulmonary system.