British Blue Cat - description of the breed

More than a hundred years ago, in England there was a registered breed - a British blue cat. In breeding this breed, the British used not only pedigreed cats, but also the most common street vagrants. As a result, a respectable cat turned out. British Blue is one of the oldest breeds in the UK. According to legend, the ancestors of this cat were brought to England by the Roman conquerors about two thousand years ago. As it was supposed to all cats of that time, they caught rats and mice, protecting human food. Modern British people are significantly different from their ancestors. They are more like plush toys than dexterous riders.

Characteristics of British cats

The British blue cat should be large, muscular, with a lot of muscle mass. Ears - not large and widely spaced at the base. The eyes are almost round and have a color from yellow to rich orange. The nose is wide and short, but the main thing in this breed of cats is the huge cheeks. The coat should be stuffed, plush and homogeneous. It should be combed first into one, and then to the other side, so that it gently lay. The Briton has a very powerful body, short paws and a broad chest.

A feature of British cats is their manners. This animal respects not only prohibitions, but also adapts itself to the life of the master and is devoted to him, no less than a dog. The unpretentiousness of the British, his livability with man and the innate high intelligence quickly made this cat popular and fashionable. She even deserved the name - a cat for a businessman. The independent character of the Briton and the ease of caring for his wool allowed to keep these cats for people with little free time. Moreover, there is an opinion that sometimes this cat considers the presence of a person burdensome for himself. However, most likely in this interpretation of the character of the British, his modesty is to blame. As a true gentleman, a Briton knows the measure in everything.

British blue shorthair cat is an excellent companion of the whole family. Like all other pets, a Briton needs care, caress and care. But unlike the others, he is able to take offense. If this feline nobleman does not receive proper attention, it is quite possible that he will be overwhelmed by the insult - he will not allow himself to be petted. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, and for caring owners, a Briton is an affectionate and affectionate cat that adapts easily to the conditions of a person's life.

Despite all his solidity, the Briton adores to play. He very quickly can reincarnate from a cat statue into a nimble hunter for flies and butterflies. Distinguishes the British love of space. Its independence and independence requires a certain freedom. In general, this cat likes to act, and for this she does not need anyone's permission. The mind of the British can be set as an example to other cats, they all grasp on the fly and are easily amenable to training. It is not surprising that these cats became the heroes of many films.

Most experts believe that the secret of the popularity of the British blue breed in a surprisingly successful combination of solid appeal with remarkable character and good behavior. In describing the nature of British cats, we can say that in this breed there is something majestic and aristocratic, some pure English charm, which you really want to possess. The animal resembles a cozy teddy bear. It is very nice to iron, and yet it is peaceful, calm, patient and balanced, without unnecessary emotions. The British are unobtrusive, but at a difficult time they will definitely be there, offering their help.