Dieffenbachia - reproduction

Very often in offices or apartments you can find an evergreen shrub with a straight, strong, green stem that sometimes grows to two meters. This is diffenbachia. With its large, entire, oval shape with light strokes leaves on a long handle it can decorate any room. Many hybrid varieties with different patterns on the leaves have already been introduced. But you have to be careful with it, since it refers to poisonous houseplants .

To successfully grow dienenbachia, one should know the rules of care and reproduction at home.

Dieffenbachia - care

  1. Location . It is not very demanding of lighting, but does not tolerate shaded places and does not like direct sunlight, cold drafts and low temperatures in winter. The most suitable temperature for cultivation is: in summer + 22-26 ° C, and in winter + 16-20 ° C.
  2. Watering and top dressing . To water a diffenbachia it is necessary regularly, but it is moderate, soft water of a room temperature, cutting watering in the winter. It should be periodically sprayed with warm water and washed from time to time. The soil in the pot should be fertilized with physiologically acidic fertilizer, in spring and summer once a week.
  3. The soil . Soil mixture for planting dienenbachia must be prepared from sheet, turf and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 and it is necessary to make drainage from expanded clay, as the roots are prone to decay.

How does diffenbachia multiply?

Before this flower is multiplied, it is necessary to know that the reproduction of the diffenbachia passes through the stem and cuttings, but not the leaf.

The first way

Dieffenbachia grows very fast. Powerful varieties can reach more than 2 meters in height, and small grow to one meter. The leaves of the diffenbachia do not live long, so the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the trunk is bare.

To rejuvenate and multiply the diffenbachia, the top of the plant with three sheets is cut and placed in the water for rooting. The vessel with the handle is put in a plastic bag and sometimes sprinkled with leaves. After the roots grow five centimeters to open the package, and then remove at all. Then the plant is planted in a pot. On the site of the cut, more shoots will appear, as soon as three sheets appear on them, they need to be cut off and rooted.

The second way

  1. On the stem of the plant, make an incision and remove a piece of bark length of 1.5 cm at a distance of 10-20 cm from the bottom sheet.
  2. We sprinkle the wound to stimulate the root growth of the roots and wrap around the stem with moist green living moss sphagnum. We wrap everything with polyethylene film and tie it from above and below.
  3. When enough roots are already formed to supply the leaves with water, cut the vertex from the shoot under the bottom wire, sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal.
  4. Remove polyethylene and top with roots planted in a pot of soil, deepening the trunk so that the plant stood vertically itself.
  5. The old plant is not discarded, if the soil is constantly moistened, then lateral shoots will appear.

The third way

  1. Cut the stem into small pieces 5-7 cm.
  2. Put in a container of water.
  3. Cuttings will give roots in 2-3 weeks, and they can be immediately planted in the ground.
  4. For rooting put in a warm place, with a temperature of at least 22 ° C, protecting from direct sunlight.
  5. When the first growth buds and young leaves appear, you can put it in a permanent place.

Dieffenbachia of the bush form, also undergoes propagation by cuttings, it requires planting only one cuttings into the pot. But if it has grown much, then you can carefully divide the bush into several parts without injuring the root system, planting it in separate pots and rooting, following the recommendations set forth above.

Dieffenbachia, despite the difficult care, it is good to use as a decorative and deciduous plant for warm and bright rooms, especially in greenhouses and winter gardens.