Planting cabbage in the open ground seedlings - how to get an early and good harvest?

Often farmers often have the confidence that planting cabbage in the open ground with seedlings is a simple matter, and skills are not required for this. In fact, it's a capricious culture, with its character. If care is not properly organized, any sprouting can die. Compliance with technology is a guarantee that the harvest will be spectacular.

How to plant cabbage in the soil with seedlings?

Planting cabbage in the open ground has its own nuances. For example, before the disembarkation procedure, seedlings should be prepared. To this end, watering is regulated, fertilizing is carried out and hardening is started. A week before the date of disembarkation, the watering of the seedlings stops, in a few hours it is better to carry out abundant watering. Hardening begins about 20 days before landing in the ground. Seedlings are carried to air at a temperature of + 5 + 6 degrees, for 20 minutes, and every day the procedure time is increased by 5-7 minutes. Top dressing is done 2 weeks before planting.

Cabbage precursors when planting

The best predecessors for cabbage:

  1. For early and late white-headed and red-carrots - carrots, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, potatoes.
  2. For color - cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes of early varieties.

Good predecessors are also annual grasses. It should be borne in mind that the cultivation of cabbage in one place requires a break. Ideal break leaves 4 years. It is not necessary to plant cabbage in the open ground seedlings, if before this place was grown radish or turnip.

When planted cabbage seedlings in the open ground?

The terms of planting cabbage in the open ground vary according to the variety and maturity. Each type of culture has its own requirements and a schedule, taking into account which cabbage develops. On average, disembarkation takes place 1 to 2 months after the shoots appear. A mandatory condition is the full development of several real leaflets.

The effect of low temperatures for cabbage is not critical. But the further the region is from the southern regions, the later cabbage is planted in the open ground by seedlings. If you believe people's signs, then the optimal time - after the complete flowering of cherry blossoms. Many refer to the lunar calendar and successfully use it.

Planting cabbage seedlings in the open ground

The cabbage seedlings are planted in a well prepared in advance, together with a clod of soil. The depth of the hole is a bit more than the size of the root system, the seedlings are buried to the bottom leaves. To accelerate survival, it is possible to treat the root system with any stimulant of root formation.

The scheme of planting cabbage in the open ground

Consider how best to plant cabbage on seedlings. Placement of seedlings in the open field depends on the variety . If the variety is early-maturing, then the aisles will be ideal up to 45 cm, if the variety is medium or late-ripening, between rows 60-70 cm. The distance between the seedlings of the early varieties is 25-30 cm, the mid-ripening varieties are 45-50 cm, the late varieties are 50 -70 cm.

Rules for planting cabbage in the open ground

Planting cabbage in the soil seedling requires compliance with a number of rules. For example, for seeding in the soil suitable seedlings, which reached 12 -20 cm, with the formed five leaves. If seedlings are purchased, then they must have a strong root system, necessarily well developed. An important role is played by the temperature regime and the presence of illumination.

What to put in the hole when planting cabbage?

In the spring, when the earth is dug up and prepared, it is applied to the cabbage fertilizer when planted in the hole. In addition to fertilizers, dolomite flour, insecticides , lime, chalk, fungicides are also introduced. All these substances contribute if the soil is poor in nutrients to reduce the risk of seedling diseases in order to reduce the acidity of the soil.

Care for cabbage in the open field

Planting cabbage in the open ground seedling implies the presence of further care. Care for cabbage in the soil is the observance of a number of agrotechnical requirements. There are several of them:

You should also choose the time for harvesting. It does not need to be delayed, if the cabbage overruns, it will crack. Because of too early collection forks wither, become tasteless and look unpresentable. If you observe all the agricultural techniques when growing cabbage, you can get a very enviable harvest.

Watering cabbage after landing in the ground

Watering cabbage in the open field depends on several factors: on the types of soils and the maturation period, on the type of culture. But there is a general rule: water for irrigation should be room temperature, well-kept, but not overheated. Sprinkle the seedlings with water from the reservoirs and distilled, preferably in the morning / evening.

Optimal frequency for irrigation: for early varieties - 2 days after disembarkation, then every 7 to 10 days. For late varieties - the first watering immediately after planting, the second - after 7 days, the third and fifth - at the time of the formation of the rosette, the sixth and the eighth - during the formation of heads. The most intensive moistening to early varieties is needed in June, late in August. Cauliflower is watered weekly, during a drought three times a week. The lack of moisture affects the taste of cabbage of any variety.

Addition of cabbage after planting in the ground

Extra feeding of cabbage in the open ground is carried out by organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic for cabbage is a source of nutrients. Make these fertilizers 2 weeks after mineral fertilizers. Such additional fertilization makes the growth of seedlings more active. Organic fertilizers include:

  1. A solution of cow dung. 500 grams are bred in 10 liters of water, they insist for three days and water the soil.
  2. Fertilizer from yeast. This solution has a beneficial effect only in a warm time, treatment is performed 3 times with a ten-day interval.
  3. Ash. A glass of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water and fed cabbage 15 days after disembarkation.

Mineral fertilizers saturate seedlings with useful substances. When working with this type of fertilizer, you must adhere to the dosage to avoid burns to the leaves. Your skin is also desirable to protect, and for work to choose the morning / evening without exposure to sunlight. The list of mineral fertilizers includes: nitrofoska, ammonium nitrate and urea.