Pizza - calories

Pizza is one of the most popular dishes, which causes controversy over the benefits and harms. The ease of preparation, excellent taste and variety of fillings leave no one indifferent. But how to be the one who watches the figure?

The main indicator determining the diet of the dish is the energy value . Pizza can have different calories, it all depends on the type of dough and the ingredients of the filling. Varieties of pizza there is a huge amount, the most popular are the Italian and American version.

What kind of pizza to choose?

Classical Italian pizza is baked in a special oven and has a thin layer of dough with all sorts of variations of the filling. The American version has a heavier and dense base layer, representing a lavish bun with open stuffing.

The dough for Italian pizza is less caloric, as it contains only a little olive oil, a little sugar, salt and dry yeast. And the weight ratio of the cakes in the Italian and American recipes has a significant difference.

Dough for American pizza contains rich ingredients, denser and heavier in composition and its just bigger. In the American version, the caloric content of a slice of pizza increases substantially due to the baking and the volume of the dough. If you want to enjoy the taste of pizza and do not hurt your figure, it's better to choose a classic Italian pizza.

Caloric content of pizza and filling

Classical Italian pizza can have a calorie content of 140 to 350 kcal. The most low-calorie is pizza with squid on rye dough about 140 kcal, pizza with stuffing from chicken breast and giblets with vegetables about 160 kcal. Calorie pizza on a thin dough with different fillings:

  1. Vegetarian pizza with a filling of vegetables (olives, tomatoes, bell peppers, greens) - 179 kcal.
  2. Pizza with mushrooms, vegetables and onions - 200-218 kcal.
  3. Pizza with sausage is 240-255 kcal.
  4. Pizza with 4 kinds of cheese - about 290 kcal.
  5. Pizza with three kinds of meat smoked products - 290-300 kcal.
  6. Pizza with salmon - more than 400 kcal.

Calorie home pizza

If you want to cook pizza yourself and do not eat too much, you can reduce the calorie content of homemade pizza (on average, 240 kcal per 100 g) by several tricks: