Sponge cake with fruit

Biscuits are delicious on their own, for sure every sweet tooth will appreciate their taste for good. And if you add fruit to such a cake, you will get a simple delicacy. Below are the recipes for biscuit cake with fruit.

Recipe for a biscuit cake with fruit


For biscuit:

For the filling and cream:


Eggs should be taken chilled, then they are easier to beat. So, we separate the proteins from the yolks. First whisk yolks, slowly adding sugar (100 g) and vanilla sugar. Beat until the mass has turned white and does not increase in volume several times. Now beat the whites with a pinch of salt or a few drops of lemon juice. These supplements are needed in order for proteins to whip better. When the mass increases by a factor of 3, slowly add the remaining sugar and continue to whisk until the mass turns into a thick foam.

In the yolk mixture, we spread 2/3 of the protein mass and mix gently. Now, directly into the container with this mixture, we sift the flour. Again, gently mix and lay out the remaining protein mass, stir again. Pour the dough into a baking dish, preferably it should be detachable. At a temperature of 200 degrees, bake 10 minutes biscuit, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake another 20 minutes. Ready to biscuit let stand for 4 hours and then cut off at the edges of 1 cm and cut the cake along into 2 parts.

Cooking syrup: pour 250 ml of water into the pot, add 250 g of sugar, mix and bring the syrup to a boil, reduce the fire, cook the syrup for 5 minutes, and then remove it from the fire. We squeeze the juice out of the orange, mix it with the cooled syrup. Fruit cut into small cubes.

Now proceed to the preparation of the cream: gelatin soak in 150 g of cold water for 30 minutes. If you use granular cottage cheese, then we pass it through a sieve 2 times. We combine sour cream, cottage cheese , sugar powder, vanilla sugar and thoroughly beat it with a blender. Swelish gelatin melt in a microwave and pour the resulting mass into the curd cream, mix thoroughly.

We proceed to assemble the cake: the form in which we bake a biscuit, cover it with paper, put 1 sponge cake, soak it with syrup with orange juice, spread a layer of fruit. Pour half of the cream on top and put fruit again. We lay the second biscuit cake, also impregnate it and spread the fruit. Top with the rest of the cream.

Cover the form with a food film and put the cake in the refrigerator for 8 hours. After that, if you wish, you can still pour it all with a cake filling. If you do not find one, then you can pour 1 tablespoon gelatin 150 ml of cold fruit juice. As soon as the gelatin swells, dissolve it in the microwave, let the mixture cool down a bit, and fill it with our biscuit-curd cake with fruit. Again put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Sponge cake with fruit



Separate yolks from proteins, add to them half of sugar and whisk. Separately, whisk the proteins until they increase in volume by 3 times. After that, add the sugar and whisk until it's a thick foam. We connect both prepared masses and add flour, mixed with starch. The form for baking is greased with butter, pour out the dough and bake for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. To biscuit did not fall, during the baking oven can not be opened. Finished biscuit let it cool and cut it in half.

Gelatin is dissolved in 50 ml of hot water. Mix sour cream and yogurt, add gelatinous mass and mix. We remove lubricating oil with the detachable form, place the first cake in it, fill it with half of the sour-yoghurt mixture, spread a layer of fruit. And then again lay out the biscuit cake, pour the cake jelly mass and spread the fruit. We send our light biscuit cake with fruit to the refrigerator for a minimum of 6 hours.