Nasal congestion during pregnancy

A woman every cell of the body always reacts to the pregnancy that has taken place, because conception is the appearance of a foreign body in the body. Therefore, during pregnancy, it often happens that many organs begin to malfunction and work quite differently. Often in women during pregnancy, there is a strong nasal congestion, which sometimes can even lead to bleeding.

The reasons for why the pregnant pawns the nose, are swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasal passages. In some cases, there may be abundant secretion of mucus, but it often happens that this mucus lingers in the sinuses and provokes the development of pathogenic bacteria in them.

The importance of pure breathing during pregnancy

At a time when a woman has a child, her body needs more oxygen than ever before. After all, it is necessary not only for the well-being of the future mother, but also for the health of her baby. Therefore, the need for oxygen doubles when the embryo appears in the womb of a woman. When a pregnant woman has a stuffy nose, she can not breathe fully, and some malfunctions begin in her body's work.

In addition, if the pregnant woman has a permanently stuffy nose, she will be nervous about this. The stuffy nose in a dream makes a woman sleep with her mouth open. This leads to the drying of the mucous membranes. Such troubles do not allow the future mother to get enough sleep and make her irritable, and this is not desirable for her future baby.

How to relieve nasal congestion during pregnancy?

To ease the condition with a nasal woman, the following procedures can help:

  1. Respiratory gymnastics . To do this, you need to hold one nostril with your finger, and through the other take a deep breath, then exhale. Then you need to change the nostrils or inhale air through one nostril, and exhale through the other. You can also inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
  2. Acupressure . This massage begins with pressing the point on the bridge of the nose and massaging it in circular motions. Next, you need to massage the nasal sinuses with your index fingers and lightly press on them. Then you need a little ponazhimat on the fovea under the nose, as well as a hollow on the chin.
  3. Warm legs . Edema of the nasal tissues can be removed by warming the legs with mustard, which must be poured into socks before bed.
  4. A mixture of horse radish . A mixture of finely grated horseradish, apples and sugar will help relieve nasal congestion in pregnant women, if taken on two tablespoons daily. In addition, horseradish has an antibacterial property, which is very useful for the whole body.

Treatment of nasal congestion in pregnancy

For many women during pregnancy, many phenomena are normal, including nasal congestion. But do not tolerate this, because there are several methods to alleviate this condition. For example, in the house you can install special humidifiers or evaporators, which will make the air in the room more damp. As a result, it will not give the mucous membranes dry up and will not lead to sinusitis or rhinitis . After all, with such serious diseases you need treatment, for which various medications are used.

And everyone knows that during pregnancy it is better to stay away from taking medication. Therefore, in addition to moistening the air to clean the nasal passages, you can do the following: