Baths for weight loss

Our body is 60% water, so any contact with water brings to us a number of beneficial effects: relaxation and toning, cleansing, healing and even treatment. In a crazy life rhythm, we, at best, have enough time for the morning and evening shower (not including contact with water when washing dishes). However, perhaps there is no woman in the world who would not find time for a procedure that can help her lose weight, get rid of cellulite, make the skin supple, etc. Let's combine the pleasant with the useful and start the path to beauty with baths for weight loss!

Salt and soda are our best assistants

First of all, it is worth mentioning salt and soda-salt baths. For a bath with salt for weight loss is best to use sea salt. Pay attention to sea salt with different additives: aromatic, ethereal, various trace elements. Sea salt effectively cleanses our skin of dead cells, strengthens blood flow to the skin, speeds up metabolic processes, removes toxins and calms the nervous system. For a bath with sea salt, you should pour 0.5 kg of salt into the water 35-37 ° C, the procedure should be done every other day, after each 10th salt bath one should take a month's break. To increase the efficiency, the salt is combined with baking soda (200-300 g). Applying a bath with soda and salt for weight loss, you will also help your keratinized elbows and heels soften and, of course, reduce the appearance of cellulite, make them less visible or even get rid of stretch marks.

Aromatherapy + weight loss

Added to the salt and soda baths for weight loss 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil, you can, first of all, relax after a long working day and gain strength for the whole next week until the weekend! And if you choose citrus oils - orange, grapefruit and lemon, then take another step towards a beautiful figure, because the properties of citrus oils have long been used to combat cellulite. So for a bath with essential oils for weight loss and anti-cellulite effect, it is recommended to pre-mix the oil with a handful of salt (this will do without an unpleasant greasy film on the surface of the water), pour into the water at a temperature of no higher than 38 ° C, sit down in waist-deep water and drink in water, tea, for 20 minutes.

Cleopatra's Bath

One of the most famous beauties of our planet and to this day is considered Cleopatra. Through the centuries, one of the recipes for her beauty came to us - a bath with honey and milk. This is not just a slimming bath, this procedure will make your skin tender, like a newborn, your pores will be impregnated with curative micronutrients, and that as far as the nervous system and stress management, here competitors can not have a honey-and-milk bath. Of course, Cleopatra was famous not only for her beauty, but also her mind, which prompted her how to manage the countries with her beauty. For "Cleopatra's bath" we need 1 liter of milk and 1 glass of honey. Milk warm up, not leading up to a boil and mixed with honey, we pour this miracle mixture into the water, and we sink for 10-15 minutes.

Unremarkable linden

Anti-cellulite baths can also include baths with linden, and not only flowers, but also bark, leaves, and kidneys are effective here. The main property that is endowed with a linden - increasing sweating, you can safely use to lose weight and fight against cellulite, because with the withdrawal of waste and all unnecessary from the body. We take 300 g of lime raw material and pour 5 liters of water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and insist 15 minutes.

For all the benefits of baths, do not forget that this is just additional funds, and the main help in losing weight can only be physical activity and a balanced diet. And combining all methods of weight loss, you will not only get the long-awaited effect, but also accustom yourself to a healthy lifestyle.