Loss of the uterus - treatment

Quite often after birth injuries in women, there is a decrease in the uterus . The essence of the pathology is that the uterus descends down to the vagina, and the cervix can reach the genital slit or even go out. This phenomenon gives a certain discomfort and almost deprives the woman of the opportunity to lead a full sexual life, but fortunately - gives in to treatment.

Causes of ovulation of the uterus

Uterine prolapse is most common in elderly women, as well as in multi-parent mothers. As a rule, such a pathology can be associated with an unsealed rupture of the perineum during childbirth or other birth trauma. To cause the loss of the uterus may be excessive physical activity, lifting weights or mechanical damage to the genitals.

Methods for treatment of uterine prolapse

Surgical intervention

Surgery for the loss of the uterus allows in a short time to save the woman from discomfort and return to normal life. The essence of the surgical method is to shorten the ligaments, after which the uterus becomes in place. The operation does not leave any scars and is an effective method of treating both partial and complete loss of the uterus. Rehabilitation period takes only a few days, and the only drawback of the operation is, perhaps, only its high cost.

It is worth noting that with incomplete loss of the uterus for treatment, a ring is used that is inserted into the vagina. Of course, if the cervix has already come out - the ring will not hold, so you can not do without surgery.


Good results of treatment of prolapse of the uterine wall without surgery gives special gymnastics. There are several sets of exercises that, with regular exercise, can correct the prolapse of the posterior and anterior walls of the uterus, as well as the complete descent of the organ.

It is worth noting that gymnastics during pregnancy will help strengthen the muscles of the uterus, preventing its loss. Directly as a method of treatment gymnastics gives tangible results only after 10-12 months, which is its main drawback.

Folk remedies

The most popular is the treatment of uterine prolapse with folk remedies. Herbal tinctures help to alleviate the condition of a woman, eliminate painful sensations, increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus, thereby returning it to its place.

Especially useful for the lowering of the uterus tincture of melissa in proportions - two tablespoons of herbs for 2 cups of water. The broth should stand for 24 hours in a dark place, after which the tincture is taken at 2/3 tablespoon at least an hour before eating.

Also useful is the mother-and-stepmother. Take 100 g of mother-and-stepmother, 75 grams of melissa and oregano, pour the herbs with two glasses of boiling water. Further the tincture is accepted as well as the above-described decoction.

Another effective recipe is based on the beneficial properties of nine-strength. One tablespoon is infused in a half-liter of vodka for 10 days, after which the tincture is taken in the morning on an empty stomach one tablespoon.

You can also grind a shell of several eggs (4-5), finely chop 9 lemons and pour the entire mixture with vodka (0.5 liters). The medicine is infused in a dark place for 4-5 days, after which it is ready for use. Drink tincture should be 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

If you have not decided how to treat the prolapse of the uterus , listen to the recommendations of specialists who advise choosing an integrated approach. As a rule, after 3-4 months of regular gymnastics and taking medicinal broths the uterus returns to its place.