Yeast colpitis

Very few of those lucky people among the beautiful half of society who managed to avoid the yeast colpitis. A characteristic of this disease, more commonly known as thrush, is inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Yeast colpitis refers to nonspecific colpitis, as the cause of its appearance is the active reproduction of the Candida fungus. An increase in the amount of this fungus can trigger dysbacteriosis, stomatitis in the oral cavity, in the genital area is manifested in the form of yeast colpitis or vaginitis. There are many factors contributing to its development:

Treatment of yeast colpitis

As noted earlier, many women know about thrush firsthand, however, how to properly treat yeast colpitis, in each case, only the doctor will say.

If you noted the following signs, it is worth immediately contacting a doctor, as self-treatment of yeast colpitis can only do harm:

In general, the treatment of yeast colpitis is divided into:

Also necessarily include local treatment with suppositories, ointments, syringing, baths, restoration of natural microflora in the vagina.

In turn, the process of treatment of yeast colpitis during pregnancy is substantially complicated, since the spectrum of permitted drugs is much less. But yeast colpitis occurs during pregnancy much more often, and thus requires compulsory treatment. Because untreated inflammation and the spread of infection can be bad for the fetus.

Yeast colpitis in men

Yeast colpitis is familiar to men. It manifests itself similar to female symptoms, but is much less common in active form. Male physiology does not contribute to the development of complete symptomatology. In addition, this ailment can not be attributed to the number of infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually, rather it is a kind of signal about the malfunctions in one's own organism.