Complex of exercises for relaxation

When we sit, our muscles are constantly working, only this activity does not bring us much benefit. Sitting for hours in the workplace, our muscles, while maintaining the position of the body, are in tension, which must be removed with the help of relaxation exercises.

A simple set of relaxation exercises will take you only 10 minutes, but will relieve fatigue for all working hours of the day.

Exercises to relax the muscles will give a sense of ease, harmonize the work of the nervous system, restore the lost strength. During the exercises for relaxation it is important to pay attention and breathing: the movements should reflect your breathing , inhale the air need deep, into the stomach, exhale slowly through your nose, as if pushing all the fatigue out of yourself.

Complex of exercises for relaxation

  1. FE - standing, feet on the width of the pelvis, feet in parallel. The back is flat, the vertex is stretched upwards. With a breath, bend back - open, with an exhalation - round your back, move your hands forward. Move to the rhythm of breathing, gradually increasing the amplitude and raising your hands a little higher.
  2. Open hands in hand, gather hands over your head. Pinch your head with your elbows, your hands are joined. With an exhalation lean to the right, with an inspiration - in the center, with exhalation - to the left, with an inspiration - the center. Gently swing from side to side. Return to the center, on exhalation, lower your hands.
  3. Take a breath and on exhalation gently bend forward and down, relaxing your back muscles. On inhalation, reverse movement of the round back. Stretch out your hands up, with exhalation, again lower your arms and twist down, then up. Do three times, then hang down, put your hands on the floor, alternately bend your legs and swing the body.
  4. Keep your legs back and your arms forward. Continue to walk with your feet in place in the pose of the dog snouting down. In small steps, approach the hands.
  5. Put your feet wide, feet in parallel, pushing your hands against the floor, inhale inhale, exhale your back in exhalation. Smoothly open and round.
  6. Relax the body, alternately bend the legs in the knees and swing the body from side to side. Back, neck relaxed, arms freely slide, as if you draw the sign of infinity on the floor.
  7. Stay in the center, inhale pull your chest up, with an exhalation, move your hands towards the back. Hands pull back, under your feet, the stomach between the thighs. Return your hands forward, in small steps return to the dogs face down and continue to pace in place.
  8. With inhalation, stretch out on the socks, bend your knees, with an exhalation, direct the heels to the floor. Look at the hands, step forward with your right foot, lower your left knee to the floor. Lift the body up, clasp your hands in the lock, tighten your stomach. With an exhalation, push the sacrum forward, lower the pelvis down, open the chest. Put your hands on the floor, pull out your hind leg. Turn the stops to the right, turn the body behind your right hand back. Move hand back and up - stretch out behind hand. Return to the attack, push your hands against the floor.
  9. Go to the bar, drop your hips down, body weight on straight arms and socks. Bend back, exhale the chin on the chest, go down in the pose on all fours, go back to pose the dog face down.
  10. We walk on the spot, bending our knees and stretching our back. With inhalation, we leave the fingers on the floor, with the exhalation of the heel to the floor. On inhaling a glance at the hands, the left leg strides forward, into the attack. Lower your right knee to the floor, straighten the body, hold your hands in the lock. Lower the pelvis, hands stretch back - open the chest.
  11. Gently drop your hands on the floor, turn your feet to the left, twist the case. Stretch out your left hand, look at your fingers, with an inhalation hand goes back and up, stretch out after the hand. Return to the attack, push away from the floor - go into the dogs face down.
  12. Steps in place, breathing in, high fingers, exhale - heels on the floor. Go down on your knees, bend over your breath, round your back as you exhale. Continue to carry the wave backbone.
  13. With an exhalation, lower your chest down, hands stretch forward. Round your back on exhalation, bend over your breath.
  14. Fall into the pose of the child - relax.