Fighting aphids in the garden

Aphids settle on plants from early spring, she prefers to be on the underside of the leaves and suck the juices, destroying the young shoots. In addition, it carries viral diseases that lead to the death of cultivated plants. To keep your garden healthy, you need to know how you can get rid of aphids in the garden.

Mechanical and biological destruction of aphids in the garden

Mechanical destruction of aphids is done manually or by strong pressure of water from a hose. However, this method can be considered as an additional means of struggle. In addition, you need to take some more measures.

For example, you can draw on the site of insects and birds eating aphids. These are ladybirds, lacewings, fly-flies and some kinds of wasps. That they came to your aid, you can "invite" them, planting in the garden fragrant herbs, siderates , nettles.

If aphids very actively attack plants in your garden, you can buy larvae of ladybirds and lacewings in the garden center and release them on the site.

Of the birds, aphids, waxes, wren, kings, sparrows, robins, hemp attack attack aphids. They feed harmful insects to their chicks. Arrange in the garden a few feeders, drinking bowls, starling houses and build a natural shelter for birds. Settled in your garden birds not only help in the fight against insects, but also bring aesthetic pleasure in their appearance and twitter.

Treatment of garden from aphids - folk methods

The composition of most popular folk recipes for spraying plants from aphids and other insects consistently includes soap. For convenience, you can use liquid soap.

A mixture of soap (2 tsp) and vegetable oil (1 glass), diluted in 2 cups of water, it is necessary to spray the affected plants. Viscous consistency leads to the fact that aphids can not breathe normally and die. Just keep in mind that useful insects can perish.

Another popular method of combating aphids in the garden is the infusion of tomato foliage. It is necessary to collect and cut with scissors 2 cups of tomato leaves and soak for 2 days in 2 glasses of water, then strain. The resulting infusion should be sprayed on the affected plants, paying special attention to the lower part of the leaves.

You can also try the infusion of garlic. To do this, 3-5 of his denticles need to pass through the press, mix with water (0.5 liters). The solution to insist for a day (can be longer). Then add 2 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. liquid soap. The resulting product is stored in a tightly corked bottle, and for sprinkling add a couple of tablespoons in a spray bottle of water.

What else helps from aphids in the garden?

There are also industrial preparations for the control of aphids. They are mild and organic pesticides and insecticides. If you do not know how to treat the garden against aphids in the summer, try organic chemical controls based on pyrethrin, fatty acids and vegetable oils.