Campanula - home care, what conditions need to be created for cultivation?

This herb native to the Mediterranean is considered a symbol of family happiness in the house, it perfectly suits any conditions. Campanula, home care for which does not require much effort, there are many varieties of different types and colors.

How to care for Campanula?

There are more than a hundred species of this plant, the most popular are the following:

How to care for the campaigner at home, does not depend on the species, each of them is not whimsical in content, but very vulnerable. With its cultivation everyone will cope, even a beginner in floriculture. What are the conditions for the plant?

  1. Location. This flower belongs to the photophilous, but direct sunlight for it is extremely not useful. The ideal place for her will be a window sill with a shaded side of the house. If this is not possible, and all the windows face the sunny side, in the hot season you can cover with paper or foil.
  2. Temperature. Campanula, home care for which can be called qualitative, perfectly tolerates temperature fluctuations in both directions, but the most comfortable conditions for it are 15 ° C in winter and 22-25 ° C in summer.
  3. Humidity. This point does not necessarily pay much attention, but the flower feels better if the air is moistened.
  4. Watering. Campanula unpretentious, and care at home does not require frequent watering, every few weeks for it will be optimal. But another point is important - hard and untreated tap water is detrimental to the plant, use a filter.

Campanula - home care after purchase

If you have a home campaign for the first time, it is important to know that it does not require special care after purchase, especially when it comes to purchasing a flowering plant. If it blooms, it means it feels good. Having brought home a flower in a state of rest, it is important to inspect its leaves, soil, pot.

Leaves are important to check for parasites, and it makes sense to watch them for a month - on the flower may be the larva of pests. If necessary, treat the flower with insecticides. Even on the leaf may show signs of illness requiring treatment.

When examining the soil, make sure that it is not too wet, which is fraught with rotting roots and the appearance of parasites. In case of excess moisture, especially in the winter season, the flower should be transplanted. The pot should not be too large or too small, it must have drainage holes.

How to transplant the Campanula?

Campanula is not a perennial plant, and a regular transplant, like after the purchase, is not needed. It is necessary if the flower has grown to such an extent that the pot became small to him. Transplanting can be done only in the autumn or spring period. To do this, we take a pot, apply a layer of drainage , then a small layer of soil. Next, we take out the flower from the pot, without cleaning the roots from the ground, and we set them in a new pot. We align the plant in the center of the pot, we compact the soil with the fingers and water it.

Soil for Campanula room

The land for the campaign should be loose, so that the roots are enriched with oxygen. Ideal is the soil consisting of peat and leafy land. In the period of active growth and flowering, the plant may not have enough nutrients in the soil, so it makes sense to use additional fertilizing. To feed kampanulu once a month with complex fertilizer mixtures for flowering plants. In the resting period, the flower is not needed - it will not only not be useful, but it can also do harm.

Propagation of the Campanula

Different types of the Campanula flower require approximately the same care at home, and their reproduction also does not differ. Each flower can reproduce by seeds or cuttings, both methods require a clear execution of the algorithm, they are equally successful and have both their pluses and minuses.

Campanula - reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction by cuttings is carried out only in the autumn season. It is done according to this scheme:

  1. Cut the shoot with several leaves. Escape should be strong and viable.
  2. We place the cut shoot into a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 10 hours.
  3. Then we remove the outgrowth from the solution and for the appearance of roots we place it in a cleaned cool air for several days.
  4. Next, we take the soil (a mixture of peat and sand) and plant a shoot into it at a depth of about 3 cm.
  5. Cover the pot with a film.
  6. At least once a week, spray the plant with water at room temperature. Rooting the Campanula normally takes several weeks.

Campaigned from seeds at home

Campanula is able to multiply and seed, the key is the rule when planting seeds. Such a method of reproduction can be successful only in the spring. For seeds it is necessary to take small cups, in which a small layer of moist soil is applied, from above a layer of dry, and a seed is placed. Watering the seeds is not necessary, it is important only to periodically spray them from the spray.

Seeds grow relatively quickly, without requiring special care, depending on the temperature and humidity of the soil. Do not rush to transplant sprouts into a pot - this can be done only after they appear at least three leaves. Otherwise, a small plant can not cope with the stress of the transplant and die.

Campanula withered - how to revive?

For all the unpretentiousness, this flower will not tolerate complete neglect or errors in care. If, due to some reason, the whole campaignana or its part has withered, what to do, can the plant be saved? First of all we will report the bad news - if the flower is completely withered, nothing can be done, it is lost. If the campaign has begun to dry out partially, you can try to revive it. The first thing is important to understand the reason, which can be anyone, from over-dried soil to disease, and eliminate it.

If all the shoots of the Campanula began to wither from the top, but the bottom of the plant at the root is alive, you can cut the flower almost to the root and provide for it the ideal conditions - soil, temperature, fertilizer. If the root system is alive and well, there is a high probability that the flower will safely come to life and soon shoot new shoots.

In the event that the plant has green shoots, even if not quite strong and full of life, they should be cut off and try to root. This is done in exactly the same way as the propagation of Campanula described above in the home by cuttings. If there are several shoots, there is a high probability that at least one of them will live.

Diseases of Campanula room and fighting with them

Even if the flower of the campaign has received the ideal care at home, it can not completely insure it against diseases and pests. The good news is that almost every problem can be handled, if at the time it is recognized. What can the campaignana get?

  1. Gray rot. The cause of the disease is too frequent watering. The plant becomes sluggish, the stalk and the root system are affected. If the decay process does not go too far, the flower can be saved by removing the affected parts and transplanted into new soil.
  2. Spider mite. It is easy to recognize by the appearance of thin cobwebs on the leaves of the plant, causing the flower the greatest harm from all possible parasites. Eliminates the problem of insecticide treatment.
  3. Shield. It is easy to recognize by characteristic brownish-brown spots, and having looked narrowly, you can see small insects sucking out the juice from the plant. To control the pest, insecticides are used.