Tea with sugar - caloric content

It's nice to start your day with a vitamin dessert and a cup of flavored tea with sugar, though, we rarely think about the calorie content. But this indicator is also important, as well as counting the proteins, fats and carbohydrates eaten for a day.

Calories in tea with sugar

Before proceeding to a detailed examination of the calorie content of sweet tea, it is important to note that it depends on such indicators as:

So, the amount of calories in a cup of black tea with sugar will depend on the kind of machining. Excluding supplements, the calorific value of whole leaf black tea will be 160 kcal. If we consider that about 30 calories are contained in one teaspoon of sugar, then this type of drink has 190 kcal.

But black powder contains - 140 kcal, with sugar - 170 kcal per 100 g of product. Such horrific indicators do not concern cups of fragrant tea, but 100 g of the tea leaves. Calorie content of black tea (ready-made drink) is approximately 1 kcal.

Antioxidant green tea is famous for not only quenching thirst and replacing snacks, but about 150 ml of this drink with sugar drops about 25-30 kcal. However, nutritionists are advised to preserve its useful properties and positive effects on the body, to consume tea both without sugar, and with the absence of sugar substitutes.

Rich in trace elements and vitamins white tea, leaving a pleasant little sweetish aftertaste, per 100 grams of dry product has 98 kcal. In the brewed form - only 0, 8 kcal, and with the addition of sugar, the caloric content of a cup of such tea will increase to 27 kcal.

As for the no less useful yellow tea, which strengthens the immune system and exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, it is only 25 kcal in combination with sugar.